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Sri Balaji Educational Society Anantapuramu Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Lecturers Jobs

Lecturer, Non Teaching Staff Vacancies in Anantapuramu Engineering, Polytechnic Colleges of Sri Balaji Educational Society

Faculty Jobs in Anantapur: Sri Balaji Educational Society Anantapuramu is conducting walk-in interviews for eligible candidates to fill multiple positions across its affiliated colleges. The society invites qualified and experienced professionals to attend interviews for positions including Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors, Lecturers, and various administrative roles. Mode of application is email. Eligible candidates apply online on or before the closing date of 08-06-2024. More details of Sri Balaji Educational Society Anantapur Faculty Recruitment 2024 is given below.


Sri Balaji Educational Society Anantapur Faculty Recruitment 2024 Apply through Email

Important dates:

Notification date: 31-05-2024

Last date to apply via email: 08-06-2024


Vacancies and Qualifications

Below is a detailed list of the colleges under the Sri Balaji Educational Society, the departments with vacancies, and the required qualifications:


1. PVKK Institute of Technology, Anantapuramu

   - Departments: Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

   - Qualifications:

     - M.Tech/Ph.D for engineering positions

     - MBA/MCA/Ph.D for management positions

     - Note: Candidates with completed NPTEL courses as per AICTE norms are also eligible to teach CSE subjects.


2. Sri Balaji PG College (MCA & MBA), Anantapuramu

   - Positions:

     - Computer Operator

     - Accountant

   - Qualifications:

     - Any degree with computer knowledge for Computer Operator

     - B.Com with Tally and computer knowledge for Accountant


3. Sri Krishnadevaraya College of Horticultural Sciences, Anantapuramu

   - Department: Agricultural Extension

   - Qualifications: Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension


4. PVKK Polytechnic College, Anantapuramu

   - Departments: Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, Mechanical, Humanities & Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, English)

   - Positions:

     - Lab Assistants in Civil, ECE, Mechanical, and Humanities & Sciences

     - Tutors in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry

     - Attenders

   - Qualifications:

     - B.Tech/M.Tech in respective departments for lecturers

     - M.Sc. and M.A. for Humanities & Sciences

     - ITI/Diploma/B.Tech in respective departments for Lab Assistants

     - S.S.C/Intermediate for Attenders


5. Sapthagiri Institute of Management, Hindupur

   - Departments: MBA, MCA

   - Qualifications: MBA/Ph.D.


6. Sapthagiri Junior College, Hindupur

   - Department: English

   - Qualifications: M.A.


7. Sri Sai Degree College, Gooty

   - Departments: Commerce

   - Positions:

     - Librarian

     - Attenders

   - Qualifications:

     - M.Com for Commerce

     - MLISC for Librarian

     - S.S.C/Intermediate for Attenders


8. Swamy Vivekananda Degree & Junior College, Kalyanadurgam

   - Departments: English, Mathematics

   - Positions:

     - Security Guard

   - Qualifications:

     - M.A./M.Sc. for teaching positions

     - S.S.C/Intermediate for Security Guard


9. Sri Srinivasa Degree College, Dharmavaram

   - Departments: Commerce, Computer

   - Positions:

     - Physical Director (P.D)

     - Attender

   - Qualifications:

     - M.Com & M.Sc in respective subjects for teaching positions

     - M.P.Ed & S.S.C for Physical Director and Attender


10. Sri Srinivasa Junior College, Dharmavaram

    - Departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry

    - Qualifications: M.Sc. in respective subjects


11. Sri Satya Sai Junior College, Penukonda

    - Departments: Physics, Zoology, Computer

    - Qualifications: M.Sc. in respective subjects


12. SDRR Degree & Junior College, Mudigubba

    - Departments: Mathematics, Physics, Botany

    - Positions:

      - Accountant

    - Qualifications:

      - M.Sc. in respective subjects for teaching positions

      - B.Com with Tally & computer knowledge for Accountant

      - Minimum of 5 years experience for the Accountant position


13. Placement Officer

    - Qualifications: MBA/Ph.D. with a minimum of 5 years experience


Pay Scale: 

Monthly pay scale will be Rs.15000-100000/-

 Application Process


Interested candidates should submit their resume along with a passport-sized photo and photocopies of relevant certificates by June 8, 2024. Applications can be sent to the following email addresses: or


For further inquiries, candidates can contact:

- Phone Numbers: 94404411859, 9133399864, 9030226576

- Correspondent & Secretary, SBES


This is a remarkable opportunity for professionals looking to further their careers in education by joining a prestigious educational society. Candidates are encouraged to apply promptly to ensure consideration for their desired positions.


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