Outsourcing jobs in Guntakal Govt Polytechnic College Recruitment 2024: Government Polytechnic College Guntakal released a latest notification for the available vacancies of Watchman, Office Subordinate, Lab Attendar, Sweeper, Electrician, and Scavenger. Only Anantapur District local candidates are only eligible to apply. Mode of application is offline. There are total 13 vacancies in this Guntakal Govt Polytechnic College Recruitment 2024. Eligible candidates download application form at ananthapuramu.ap.gov.in website. Last date to apply for this Guntakal Govt Polytechnic College Office Subordinate Recruitment 2024 is 27-02-2024 by 5 PM. Candidates selection for this Guntakal Govt Polytechnic College jobs is based on merit and experience. Guntakal Polytechnic College Outsourcing Jobs Recruitment 2024 salary, application form, post wise vacancies, age limit, provisional merit list, and selection process is given below.
Application submission starts from |
09-02-2024 |
Last date to apply |
27-02-2024 |
R&B Guntakal Provisional Merit List Date |
March-2024 |
Official website |
ananthapuramu.ap.gov.in |
Job category |
Outsourcing Jobs |
District |
Ananthapuramu |
There are total 13 vacancies are in this Government Polytechnic College Recruitment 2024.
Lab Attendar-05 Posts
Watchman-02 Posts
Office Subordinate-03 Posts
Age limits cutoff date is 01-01-2024.
For OC candidates upper age limit is 42 years.
For SC/ST/EWS/BC candidates upper age limit is 47 years.
Salary for Guntakal Govt Polytechnic College jobs is Rs.15000/- per month.
Qualification for Guntakal
Polytechnic College Office Subordinate, Lab Attendar, Watchman Jobs:
Watchman-5th pass and knowledge of cycling. Exserviceman or Homeguards preferred.
Lab Attendar, Office Subordinate-7th pass and knowledge of cycling
Scavenger, Sweepr-Writing and reading of Telugu Knowledge
Electrician-ITI Electrician with 2 years experience
Candidates will be shortlisted on basis of experience and certificates verification.
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Download Notification for Guntakal Polytechnic College Jobs
Application Form Format only-Page 2
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