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RRC Southern Railway ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2024 Lab Technician, Fitter, COPA, Carpenter, Painter, Welder, Electrician Vacancy

Southern Railway Recruitment 2024 ITI Trade Apprentice Vacancy Notification

Southern Railway Act Apprentices Recruitment 2024: Railway Recruitment Cell RRC Southern Railway has been invited applications for the Fresher and Ex-ITI candidates in designated trades as an Act Apprentice in workshops, locosheds, hospitals located in Tamil Nadu and Kerala States. Available vacancies are in the trades of MLT, Fitter, Welder, COPA, Turner, Carpenter, Machinist, Electrician, Electronics Mechanic, Plumber, Diesel Mechanic, Painter, Mechanic R&AC, ICSTM, SSA Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant. Selection for this Act Apprentice Recruitment of Southern Railway Perambur,, Trichy and Chennai Divisions will be held based on merit in educational qualifications. Last date for applying for this Southern Railway ITI Trade Apprentice vacancies is 28-02-2024. For ore details regarding Southern Railway ITI Apprentice recruitment 2024 please see the given details below.

Southern Railway Recruitment of ITI Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2024 Notification:

Important Dates for Southern Railway ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2024:

Online form active from 29-01-2024
Last date to apply 28-02-2024

Available Apprentice Vacancies for Southern Railway Recruitment 2024:

There are total 2860 ITI Trade Apprentice vacancies available in Southern Railway Recruitment 2024.
For trade wise and division wise vacancies please see the official notification.
Vacancies are in the trades of
  1. MLT Pathology
  2. MLT Radiology
  3. MLT Cardiology
  4. Fitter
  5. Welder
  6. COPA
  7. Turner
  8. Carpenter
  9. Machinist
  10. Electrician
  11. Electronics Mechanic
  12. Plumber
  13. Diesel Mechanic
  14. Painter
  15. Mechanic R&AC
  16. ICSTM
  17. SSA Stenographer & Secretarial Assistant

Educational Qualifications for Southern Railway ITI Apprentice Recruitment 2024:

1 Fitter Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education or its equivalent
2 Electrician Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education with Science as one of the subjects or its equivalent
3 Refrigeration and Air conditioning Mechanic Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education with Science (Physics and Chemistry) and Mathematics or its equivalent
4 Carpenter, Painter, Upholster Should have passed 8th Class under 10+2 system of Welder (G&E) education or its equivalent
5 Medical Laboratory Technician (Radiology, Pathology, Cardiology) Should have passed 12th Class under 10+2 system of education with Physics, Chemistry and Biology)

Educational Qualifications for Southern Railway Act Apprentices for EX-ITI:

1. Fitter, Machinist, MMV, Turner, Diesel
Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System Mechanic of education and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
2. Electrician, Cable Jointer
Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education with Science as one of the subjects or its equivalent and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
3. Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Mechanic, Electronics Mechanic Winder (Armature)
 Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education with Science (Physics and Chemistry)
and Mathematics or its equivalent and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
4. Carpenter, Painter, Welder(G&E)Wireman
 Should have passed 8th Class under 10 +2 System of education and ITI course in the relevant trade in Government recognized ITI
5. Mechanic (HI,LT Equipment & Cable Jointing) Should have passed 10th Class under 10 +2 System of education with Science as one of the subjects or its equivalent and Broad Based Basic Training in Electrical Sector under centre of Excellence Scheme and Advanced module of Centre of Excellence Scheme in Operation and Maintenance of equipments used in HT,LT Substation and Cable Jointing
Should have passed 10" Class under 10 +2 System of education and should possess National Trade Certificate issued by NCVT in Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

Age Limits for Act Apprentices for Fresher Recruitment 2024:

1. Welder (G&E), Carpenter, Painter and Upholster 15— 20 Years
2. Fitter, Electrician and R&AC 15 — 22 Years
3. Medical Laboratory Technician 15— 24 Years

Age Limits for Act Apprentices for Ex-ITI Recruitment 2024:

1 Welder (G&E), Carpenter, Painter and Wireman 15 —22 Years
2 Fitter, Electrician, R&AC, Winder(Armature), Cable Jointer, Electronics Mechanic, Mechanic ( HT,LT equipment & Cable Jointing ), Turner, Machinist, Diesel Mechanic, MMV  15 — 24 Years

Stipend for Southern Railway Recruitment of Act Apprentices:

First Year-5700/-
Second Year-6500/-
Third Year-7350/-

Application Fee:

Rs.100 to be paid at the time of online application form submission. 

Application Procedure for Southern Railway Recruitment of Act Apprentices:

Eligible candidates apply online for this Southern Railway ITI Trade Apprenticeship Program on or before 28-01-2024.

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