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ONGC Mehsana, Ankleshwar, Ahmedabad, Vadodara COPA, Accounts Executive, Secretarial Assistant, Fitter, Mechanic Diesel, Electrician Trade Apprentices 661 Posts

661 Electrician, Welder, Mechanic Diesel, Lab Assistant, Fitter, COPA, IT & ESM Jobs in ONGC Mehsana, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Ankleshwar Recruitment 2023

ONGC Mehsana, Ahmedabad Mechanic Diesel Recruitment 2023: Application forms are invited by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd ONGC Mehsana, ONGC Ankleshwar. ONGC Ahmedabad and ONGC Vadodara from eligible candidates to fill up 661 Apprentices posts in the trades of Assistant HT, Secretarial Assistant, Machinist, Welder, Mechanic Diesel, Accountant, COPA, Computer Operator cum Program Assistant, Instrument Mechanic, Lab Assistant, Mechanic Diesel, Fitter and Electrician for engagement as Apprentices under Act 1961 Apprenticeship. Candidates are required to download the Application form from ONGC Mehsana/Ahmedabad/Vadodara /Ankleshwar Official Website of and submit the filled Application forms to your nearest region of ONGC Mehsana or ONGC Vadodara or ONGC Ankleshwar or ONGC Ahmedabad on or before last date of 20-09-2023. Selection Process for ONGC Fitter, Mechanic Diesel, Computer Operator, Secretarial Assistant, Chemistry Lab Assistant Recruitment Jobs will be done on the basis of percentage of marks scored in the Educational Qualification as applicable to respective trade. All details of ONGC Mehsana/ Ankleshwar/Vadodara/Ahmedabad Apprentices Recruitment 2023 is given below.

ITI Govt Jobs, Apprentice Telegram Group

ONGC Mehsana, ONGC Ahmedabad, ONGC Ankleshwar, ONGC Vadodara ITI Apprentices Recruitment 2023 Mechanic Diesel, Lab Assistant, Fitter, Machinist, Welder Jobs

Important Dates for ONGC Mehsana/Ahmedabad Recruitment 2023:

1. Closing date for receipt of Application forms for ONGC Mehsana/Vadodara Machinist, Welder, Fitter etc Jobs is 20-09-2023 by 06:00 PM.
2. Result Date is 05-10-2023
3. Documents verification dates October-2023

Available Vacancies in ONGC Ahmedabad/Vadodara Fitter, Lab Assistant, Mechanic Diesel, Welder, Machinist Jobs:

As per ONGC Mehsana/Ankleshwar, ONGC Ahmedabad/Vadodara Recruitment, total Available Vacancies are 661.

ONGC Mehsana Apprentice Vacancy Details: 211 Posts

ONGC Mehsana Apprentice vacancies: 211
1. Accounts Executive-4
2. Secretarial Assistant-10
3. Store Keeper-5
4. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant-9
5. Draughtsman (Civil)-4
6. Electrician-18
7. Fitter-17
8. Instrument Mechanic-5
9. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance-10
10. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)-6
11. Machinist-8
12. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)-16
13. Mechanic Diesel-25
14. Surveyor-3
15. Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)-14
16. Civil Executive-7
17. Computer Science Executive-4
18. Electrical Executive-5
19. Electronics Executive-4
20. Instrumentation Executive-8
21. Mechanical Executive-14
22. Fire Safety Technician (Oil & Gas)-7
23. Fire Safety Executive-8

ONGC Ankleshwar Apprentice Vacancy Details: 173 Posts

1. Accounts Executive-10
2. Secretarial Assistant-20
3. Store Keeper-3
4. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant COPA-5
5. Draughtsman (Civil )-4
6. Electrician-8
7. Fitter-11
8. Instrument Mechanic-6
9. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance-4
10. Machinist-11
11. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)-7
12. Mechanic Diesel-12
13. Surveyor-4
14. Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)-7
15. Civil Executive-3
16. Computer Science Executive-3
17. E&T Executive-5
18. Electrical Executive-8
19. Electronics Executive-5
20. Instrumentation Executive-7
21. Mechanical Executive-6
22. Petroleum Executive-8
23. Fire Safety Technician (Oil & Gas)-8
24. Fire Safety Executive-8

ONGC Vadodara Apprentice Vacancy Details: 112 Posts

1. Secretarial Assistant-5
2. Store Keeper-1
3. Electrician-5
4. Electronics Mechanic-3
5. Fitter-16
6. Instrument Mechanic-4
7. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance-4
8. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)-6
9. Machinist-9
10. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)-6
11. Mechanic Diesel-11
12. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic-2
13. Surveyor-2
14. Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)-12
15. Civil Executive-2
16. Computer Science Executive-5
17. Electronics Executive-2
18. Instrumentation Executive-3
19. Mechanical Executive-5
20. Fire Safety Technician (Oil & Gas)-4
21. Fire Safety Executive-5

ONGC Ahmedabad Apprentice Vacancy Details: 165 Posts

1. Accounts Executive-6
2. Secretarial Assistant-6
3. Store Keeper-2
4. Computer Operator and Programming Assistant-9
5. Draughtsman (Civil)-4
6. Electrician-11
7. Electronics Mechanic-4
8. Fitter-12
9. Instrument Mechanic-4
10. Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance-4
11. Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant)-7
12. Machinist-11
13. Mechanic (Motor Vehicle)-7
14. Mechanic Diesel-8
15. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic-2
16. Surveyor-2
17. Industrial Welder (Oil & Gas)-8
18. Civil Executive-3
19. Computer Science Executive-3
20. Electrical Executive-10
21. Electronics Executive-2
22. Instrumentation Executive-2
23. Mechanical Executive-13
24. Petroleum Executive-10
25. Fire Safety Technician (Oil & Gas)-7
26. Fire Safety Executive-8

Duration of Training:

Training period for ONGC Mehsana/Ahmedabad Apprentices Recruitment 2023 Mechanic Diesel is two years and for all other posts is 1 year.

Qualification for ONGC Mehsana, Ankleshwar ITI Trades Apprentices Recruitment 2023:

1. Educational Qualification for ONGC Ankleshwar/Ahmedabad Welder, Fitter, Machinist etc Jobs will be matriculation and ITI trade certificate in relevant trade.

Other than ITI posts candidates must have qualified 10+2/Inter.

2. Candidates must have scored minimum of 50% marks in qualifying exams.

Age Limit for ONGC Mehsana/Vadodara Apprentices Recruitment:

Aspirants must have attained the age of minimum 18 years and must not have attained the age of 24 years as on 20-09-2023 for ONGC Welder, Mechanic Diesel Fitter etc Jobs.

Stipend for ONGC Mehsana/Ahmedabad ITI Apprentice Trainees Recruitment 2023:

Monthly Stipend will be paid to Selected candidates as per the prescribed rates governed by Apprenticeship Act.

Diploma Apprentice Stipend is Rs.8000/-

Graduate Apprentice Stipend is Rs.9000/-

ITI Apprentice Stipend is Rs.7000-8000/-

ONGC Mehsana/Vadodara Recruitment 2023 Selection Process:

1. Selection Process of ONGC Welder, Mechanic Diesel, Electrician etc Jobs will be done on the basis of percentage of marks scored in the Educational Qualification as applicable to respective trade.

2. There are no travel expenses will be paid for candidates.

3. Aspirants have to submit their medical fitness certificate to ONGC obtained from a medical officer for Recruitment of ONGC Welder, Mechanic Diesel, Electrician etc Jobs.

How to Apply Online for ONGC Mehsana, Ankleshwar Recruitment Mechanic Diesel, Electrician, Welder, Fitter, Lab Assistant Jobs:

Candidates are looking for apprenticeship program they are required to apply online at ONGC Official Website of to apply for ONGC Fitter, Welder, Electrician etc Jobs on or before due date of 20-09-2023.

Apply Online here

Download Notification here

Address for ONGC Mehsana:

I/C HR-ER, ONGC Mehsana Asset, KDM Bhavan Palavasana, Mehsana-384003

Address for ONGC Ankleshwar:

I/C HR-ER, ONGC Ankleshwar Asset, District – Bharuch, Ankleshwar-393010, Gujarat

Address for ONGC Ahmedabad:

I/C HR-ER, ONGC Ahmedabad, Avani Bhavan, Chandhkheda, Ahmedabad-380005

Address for ONGC Vadodara:

I/C HR-ER, ONGC Western Onshore Basin, Makarpura Road, Vadodara-390009

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