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Telangana Inter Supplementary Exams Starts From June 12-TS Inter Supply, Betterment Exams Time Table

 TS Inter Supply Exams New Dates Announced by Telangana Inter Board-Betterment Exams Starts from June 12

TS Inter Supply Exam Time Table 2023: The inter-advanced and supplementary examinations will begin from June 4 instead of June 12. The Inter board on Wednesday announced the exam schedule for the first year exams from 9AMm to 12 PM and the second year exams from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Education Minister Sabitha and other officials announced that supplementary exams will be conducted from June 4 to 9, when the results will be released on May 9. However, Inter exams are postponed by a week due to the JEE Advanced Exam on June 4 and presence of other competitive exams on the same day. As per the new schedule TS Inter exams will begin on June 12 and end on June 20. In the second year, 465478 candidates appeared for the exams, of which 295550 passed and 482,675 out of 297741 in the first year. The last date to apply for the supplementary exams is May 19.


TS Inter Practical Exams Starts from June 5-Telangana Inter Betterment Exams Schedule

Practical exams will be conducted from June 5 to 9 for second-year students who have not appeared for the trial exams. There will be two sessions a day from 9 AM-12 Pm morning and 2PM to 5 PM in the afternoon. For students who have not appeared for the ethics and human values exams in the first year, the exam will be conducted on June 21 and the environmental education exam will be conducted on June 22.



TS Inter Supply Exam Time Table 2023:

Morning Exam

 Inter First Year 09 AM to 12 PM

Afternoon Exam

 Inter Second Year 2 PM to 05 PM


Exam Date



 Second language




 Mathematics, Botany, Political Science


 Mathematics, Zoology, History


 Physics and Economics


 Chemistry, Commerce


 Public Administration, Bridge Course Mathematics


 Modern Language, Geography


Large number of applications for Revaluation:

As many as 48,500 candidates had applied till Wednesday evening for re-counting and re-verification of inter answer sheets. Of these, 43000 have applied for revaluation and 5000 have applied for recounting. The number of applications is expected to go up as the deadline is till evinging. Re-calculation means that mistakes are corrected in the addition of marks put by the examiner. Re-verification means that no marks are given to any question? Can't evaluate a page? Did you make a mistake in the calculation of the total marks? Experts will look into that. If so... If the examiner gives two marks for any answer, it will not be given four marks. If you score zero marks, it will be considered. Students can get xerox copies of the answer sheets. 

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