The Screening test for the posts of APPSC Group-I Services conducted on
08.01.2023 FN & AN. The Screening test consisting of Paper-I General Studies &
Paper-II General Aptitude are given below.
The Initial keys along with Question Papers for the screening test are
hosted on Commission’s website on 09.01.2023 (htpss:// If any
Candidate wants to file objections on any questions or key, he/she may file
objections in the prescribed format which is available in the Commission’s
website. The objections from the candidates will be accepted from 11.01.2023
to 13.01.2023 through Online only. It is further informed that, the candidate
should mention the Question number as mentioned in the initial key, paper &
topic wise. Otherwise the objections will not be considered. Objections would
not be entertained through Post, WhatsApp, SMS, Phone, individual submission
or any other mode. Objections received afier due date shall not be considered.
It is also informed that, the candidate shall pay Rs.100/- per objection
raised by him/her against question/Answer key with the stipulated
time & procedure as above. In case of genuine objections, which
are sustained in the final analysis the amount will be reimbursed
to the candidate.( As per the Addendum issued by the
Commission Dt: 23/12/2022)
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