TSPSC Telangana State Public Service Commission has been
inviting applications for the Group 2 posts of Prohibition and Excise Sub Inspector, Extension Officer, Sub Registrar Grade II, Assistant Commissioner Tax Officer and Municipal Commissioner. The aspirants who are applied or looking for the TSPSC Group 2 Exam syllabus may check here the complete syllabus for the TSPSC Group
2 Posts. A written test will be conducted for the TS Groups 2 posts. Group 2 Exam will be conducted in April 2023, Morning and Afternoon.

TSPSC Group 2 Examination Scheme:
The exam will be conducted in objective type. The exam will be conducted for 600 marks. And a interview will be conducted for 75 marks for qualifiers of written test.
Written test Pattern for TSPSC Group2 Exams:
There are four papers available in written test. Each paper consists of 150 marks with 150 minutes duration.
TSPSC Group2 Exam Paper I: General Studies and General Abilities
TSPSC Group2 Exam Paper II: History, Politics and Society
This paper contains three sections and each section has 50 questions to answer. Those are
- Socio-Cultural History of Telangana and India
- Overview of the Politics and Indian Constitution
- Social Structure, Public Policies and Issues
TSPSC Group2 Exam Paper III: Economy and Development
This Paper III also covers the three sections
- Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges
- Development of Telangana and Economy
- Issues of Change and Development
TSPSC Group2 Exam Paper IV: Telangana Movement and State Formation
This Telangana Movement and State Formation Paper IV also cover the three sections
- The Idea of Telangana (1948- 1970)
- MobilisationalPhase (1971 – 1990)
- Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
TSPSC Group 2 Exam Syllabus:
Syllabus for Group 2 TSPSC Exam syllabus will be given below.
- Basic English. (10th Class Standard)
- Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning;
- Rights Issues and Inclusive Policies, Social Exclusion,
- Policies of Telangana State.
- Society, Heritage, Culture, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
- History and Cultural Heritage of India.
- Indian Geography, World Geography, and Geography of Telangana State.
- Environmental Issues; Mitigation Strategies and Disaster Management- Prevention.
- General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
- International Relations and Events.
- Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
I. Socio-Cultural History of India and Telangana:
1. Salient features of Indus Valley Civilization: Culture and Society. -Early and Later Vedic Civilizations; Religious Movements in Sixth Century B.C. – Buddhism and Jainism. Socio, Cultural Contribution of Guptas, Mauryas, Chalukyas, Pallavas, Cholas Art and Architecture – Rajput and the Harsha Age.
2. The beginning of Islam and the founding of Delhi Sultanate-Socio, civilizing Conditions under the Sultanate –Sufi and Bhakti activities. The Mughals: societal and literary Conditions; Language, Literature, fine art and construction. Rise of Marathas and their part to Culture; Socio-Cultural situation in the Deccan under the Bahamanis and Vijayanagara – Literature, Art and planning.
3. Initiation of Europeans: Rise and development of British Rule: Socio-Cultural policy – Wellesley, Dalhousie, William Bentinck, Cornwallis, and others. The Rise of Socio-Religious alteration Movements in the Nineteenth Century. Social dispute Movements in India –Jotiba and Ayyankali, Savithribai Phule, Periyar Ramaswamy Naicker, Narayana Guru, Ambedkar, Gandhi, etc.
4. Socio-Cultural conditions in Ancient Vemulawada Chalukyas, Telangana-Satavahanas, Vishnukundins, Ikshvakus, and Mudigonda. Language, Religion, Art and Design; Medieval Telangana – Contribution of Rachakonda, Kakatiyas, and Devarakonda Velamas, Qutub Shahis; Socio – Cultural improvements: Emergence of Composite Culture. Fairs, Festivals, Moharram, Ursu, Jataras and so on.
5. Establishment of AsafJahi Dynasty-from Nizam –ul-Mulk to Mir Osaman Ali Khan – SalarJung Reforms Social framework and Social conditions- Deshmuks, Zamindars, Jagirdars, and Doras- Vetti and Bhagela framework and position of 14 Women. Ascent of Socio-Cultural Movements in Telangana: Andhra Maha Sabha, Arya Samaj, Adi-Hindu Movements, Andhra Mahila Sabha, Literary and Library Movements. Tribal and Peasant Revolts: Kumaram Bheemu, Ramji Gond, and Police Action and the End of Nizam Rule, and Telangana Peasant Armed Struggle.
II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics.
1. Development of Indian Constitution – Nature and notable components – Preamble.
2. Central Rights – Directive Principles of State Policy – Fundamental Obligations.
3. Unmistakable Features of Indian Federalism – Distribution of Legislative and Authoritative Powers in the middle of Union and States.
4. Union and State Governments – President – Prime Minister and Council of Priests; Chief Minister, Governor, and Council of Ministers – Capacities and Powers.
5. Provincial and Urban Governance with surprising reference to the 73rd and 74th Revisions.
6. Constituent System: Free and reasonable Elections, Election Commission; Malpractices; Political Parties and Constituent Reforms
7. Legal System in India – Judicial Activism.
8. a) Special Provisions for Backward Classes, Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Women and Minorities.
b) Welfare method for Enforcement – Nationwide Commission for Scheduled Standings, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes.
9. Indian Constitution: New challenge.
III. Social Structure, Issues and Public Policies.
1. Indian Social Structure:
Striking Features of Indian culture: Caste, Marriage, Family, Religion, Kinship, Women, Tribe, Middle class – Socio-social Features of Telangana Society.
2. Social Issues:
Imbalance and Exclusion: Casteism, Regionalism, Communalism, Violence against Women, Human trafficking, Child Labor, Disability and Aged.
3. Social Movements:
Laborer’s Movements, Backward Class Movements, Tribal developments, Environmental Movements, Dalit Developments, Women’s Movements, Human Rights Movements, Regional Self-sufficiency Movements.
4. Telangana Specific Social Issues:
Vetti, Devadasi System, Jogini, Girl tyke, Child work, Migration, Flourosis, Rancher’s and Weaver’s Distress.
5. Social Policies and Welfare Programs:
Certifiable Policies for SCs, OBC, STs, Women, Labor, Minorities, Children; Welfare Programs; Disabled furthermore, Poverty Alleviation Programs; Rural and Urban Women, Tribal Welfare and Child Welfare.
I. Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges.
1. Development and improvement: Concepts of Growth and Development –Relationship in the middle of expansion and growth
2. Measures of Economic increase: National Income-Definition, concept and system for measuring National Income; small and Real Income.
3. Neediness and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty – Income based Poverty what’s more, Non-Income based poverty; Measurement of Poverty; job loss Definition, Sorts of being without a job
4. Arranging in Indian Economy: Objectives, Strategies, Priorities, Inclusive Growth – NITI Aayog, Accomplishments of Five year Plans – twelth FYP;
II. Economy and Development of Telangana.
1. Telangana Economy in integrated Andhra Pradesh (1956-2014)– Deprivations (Water(Bachavat Committee), Finances (Bhargava, Lalit, Wanchu Advisory groups) and Employment(Girglani Committee, Jai Bharat)) and Under Improvement.
2. Land Reforms in Telangana : Abolition of Intermediaries: Zamindari, Inamdari, Jagirdari furthermore, Land roof, Tenancy Reforms, Land estrangement in Scheduled Ranges
3. Horticulture and Allied Sectors: Share of Allied parts and Agriculture in GSDP; Dependence on Agriculture; Distribution of area property; Problems of Dry area Agriculture; Irrigation Sources of Irrigation; Agricultural credit.
4. Industry and Service Sectors: Structure and Growth of Industry area Micro, Industrial Development; Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) part; Industrial Policy of Telangana; Modern Infrastructure; Structure and Growth of Service division.
III. Issues of Development and Change.
1. Improvement Dynamics: Regional inequality in India – Social inequality – Position, Gender and Religion; Ethnicity (tribe), Urbanization, Migration;
2. Displacement and Improvement: Land Acquisition Policy; Recovery and Resettlement.
3. Monetary Reforms: Poverty, Growth and Inequalities – Social Development (training and wellbeing); Social Security, Social Transformation;
4. Supportable Development: Concept and Measurement; Sustainable Improvement goals
I. The thought of Telangana (1948-1970)
1. Historical Background: Telangana as an unmistakable social unit in Hyderabad Regal State, its land, social, socio, political and monetary highlights individuals of Telangana-stations, tribes, religion, expressions, makes, dialects, tongues, fairs, celebrations and vital spots in Telangana. Organization in Hyderabad significant State and Administrative Reforms of Salar Jung and Starting points of the issue of Mulkis-Non-Mulkis; Employment and public Services under Mir Osman Ali Khan, VII Nizam’s Farman of 1919 and Definition of Mulki – Enterprise of Nizam’s Subjects League known as the Mulki Alliance 1935 and its Significance; Merger of Hyderabad State into Indian Union in 1948-Employment strategies under Military Rule and Vellodi,1948-52; Infringement of Mulki-Rules and Its improvements.
2. Hyderabad State in Independent India-Formation of Popular Ministry under Burgula Ramakrishna Rao and 1952 Mulki-Agitation; Demand for Employment of Local individuals and City College Incident-Its significance. Equity Jagan Mohan Reddy Committee Report, 1953 – Initial level headed discussions and interest for Telangana State-Reasons for the Formation of SRC under Fazal Ali in 1953-Main Provisions and Proposals of SRC-Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s perspectives on SRC and littler states.
3. Arrangement of Andhra Pradesh, 1956: Gentlemen’s Agreement – its Provisions furthermore, Recommendations; Telangana Regional Committee, Composition, Capacities and execution Violation of Safeguards-Migration from Coastal Andhra Region and its Consequences-Post-1970 improvement Scenario in Telangana-Agriculture, Power, Education, Irrigation, Power, Medical, Employment, and Wellbeing and so forth.
4. Infringement of Employment and Service system: Origins of Telangana Agitation Protest in Kothagudem and different spots, Fast unto Death by Ravindranath; 1969 Agitation for Separate Telangana. Part of Intellectuals, Students, Representatives in Jai Telangana Movement.
5. Arrangement of Telangana Praja Samithi and Course of Movement – the Spread of Telangana Movement-Major Events, Leaders and Personalities-All Party Accord – Go 36 – Suppression of Telangana Movement and its Outcomes The Eight Point and Five-Point Formulas-Implications.
II. Mobilizationalstage (1971 – 1990)
1. Court Judgements on Mulki Rules-Jai Andhra Movement and its Results Six Point Formula 1973, and its Provisions; Article 371-D, Presidential Order, 1975-Officers (Jayabharat Reddy) commission Report-G.O. 610 (1985) and its Provisions and Violation-Reaction and Representations of Telangana Employees
2. Rise and Spread of Naxals Movement, causes and results – AntiLandlord Battles in Jagityala- Siricilla, Rytu-Cooli Sanghams; North Telangana; Alienation of Tribal Lands and Adivasi Resistance-Jal, Jungle, and Zamin
3. Ascent of Regional Parties in 1980’s and Changes in the Political, Socio Economic also, Cultural fabric of Telangana-Notion of Telugu Jathi and concealment of Telangana personality Expansion of new economy in Hyderabad also, different parts of Telangana; Real Estate, Contracts, Finance Companies; Film, Media and Entertainment Industry; Corporate Education and Hospitals and so on; Dominant Culture and its suggestions for Telangana dignity, Dialect, Dialect and Culture.
4. Liberalization and Privatization approaches in 1990’s and their outcomes – Rise of territorial abberations and uneven characters in political force, organization, training, business Agrarian emergency and decay of Painstaking work in Telangana and its effect on Telangana Society and economy.
5. Mission for Telangana personality scholarly talks and discusses political and ideological endeavors – Growth of well known turmoil against provincial variations, separation and being worked on of Telangana.
III. Towards Formation of Telangana State (1991-2014)
1. Open arousing and Intellectual response against separation – arrangement of Common society association, Articulation of isolated Telangana Identity; Initial association raised the issues of isolated Telangana; Telangana Information Trust-Telangana Aikya Vedika, Bhuvanagiri Sabha- Telangana Jana Sabha, Telangana Maha Sabha-Warangal Declaration-Telangana Vidyarthula Vedika etc.,Efforts of Telangana Congress and BJP in highlighting the issue..
2. Foundation of Telangana Rashtra Samithi in 2001, Political Realignment also, Electoral Alliances in 2004 and later Phase of Telangana Movement – TRS in UPA-Girgliani Committee- Telangana Employees Joint Action Board Pranab Mukherjee Committee-2009-Elections- AlliancesTelangana in Election Manifestos-The disturbance against Hyderabad as Freezone – and Demand for isolated Statehood-Fast-Unto-Death by K.Chandra Shekar Rao-Formation of Political Joint Action Committee (2009)
3. Part of Political Parties-TRS, Congress, B.J.P., Left gatherings, T.D.P., M.I.M and other political gatherings, for example, Telangana Praja Front, Telangana United Front and so forth., Dalit- Bahujan Sanghams and Grass rootsMovement associations – Other Joint Action Committees and prevalent dissents Suicides for the reason for Telangana.
4. Social Revivalism in Telangana; other typical expressions in Telangana Development Literary structures performing expressions and other social expressionswriters, writers, vocalists, scholarly people, Artists, Journalists, Students, Employees, Advocates, Doctors, NRIs, ladies, Civil society bunches, sorted out and sloppy parts, stations, groups and other social gatherings in changing the tumult into a mass development – Intensification of Development, Forms of Protest and Major occasions: Sakalajanula Samme, NonCooperation Development; Million March.
5. Parliamentary Process; UPA Government’s stand on Telangana-All-Party Meeting-Anthony Committee-Statements on Telangana by Central Home Pastor – Sri Krishna commission Report and its Recommendations, AP Get together and Parliamentary procedures on Telangana, Declaration of Telangana State in Parliament, Andhra Pradesh State Reorganization Act, 2014-
Elections and triumph of Telangana Rashtra Samithi and the first Administration of Telangana State.
The aspirant has to prepare all the thoroughly in the give TSPSC Group 2 Exam Syllabus. For more details you can visit the TSPSC official notification. Please share this information with your beloved friends through social web.
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