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DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Recruitment 2022 99 AP Govt Jobs Application Form

DMHO NTR District Recruitment 2022 Asha Worker Govt Jobs Notification

DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Recruitment 2022: à°Žà°¨్.à°Ÿి.ఆర్  à°œిà°²్à°²ాà°²ో à°•à°²ెà°•్à°Ÿà°°్ à°—ాà°°ి ఉత్తర్à°µుà°² à°ª్à°°à°•ాà°°ం, NHM పధకం à°•్à°°ింà°¦, à°—్à°°ాà°®ీà°£ à°ª్à°°ాంతప్à°°ాధమిà°• ఆరోà°—్à°¯ à°•ేంà°¦్à°°ాà°² పరిà°§ిà°²ోà°¨ి 81 ఆశా à°•ాà°°్యకర్à°¤ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°¸్ మరిà°¯ు à°µిజయవాà°¡ à°®ుà°¨ిà°¸ిపల్ à°•ాà°°్à°ªొà°°ేà°·à°¨్ పరిà°§ిà°²ోà°¨ి, YSR à°…à°°్బన్ à°•్à°²ిà°¨ిà°•్à°¸్ పరిà°§ిà°²ో à°—à°² à°µిà°µిà°§ à°¸ెà°•్à°°à°Ÿేà°°ియట్ లలో 18 ఆశా à°•ాà°°్యకర్à°¤ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿ్à°¸్ à°­à°°్à°¤ీ à°šేà°¯ుà°Ÿ à°•ోà°°à°•ు à°¨ోà°Ÿిà°«ిà°•ేà°·à°¨్ à°µిà°¡ుదల à°šేయటం జరిà°—ింà°¦ి. à°…à°°్à°¹ుà°²ైà°¨ మహిà°³ా à°…à°­్యర్à°¥ుà°² à°¨ుంà°¡ి దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ుà°²ు ఆహ్à°µాà°¨ించబడ్à°¡ాà°¯ి. à°…à°°్హత వయస్à°¸ు 25 à°¸ంవత్సరాà°²ు-45 à°¸ంవత్సరాà°²ు. దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°¦ాà°°ుà°²ు తమ  à°—్à°°ాà°®ా సచిà°µాలయ పరిà°§ిà°²ోà°¨ి à°ª్à°°ాధమిà°• ఆరోà°—్à°¯ à°•ేంà°¦్à°°ం à°¨ంà°¦ు à°—à°²  à°®ెà°¡ిà°•à°²్ ఆఫీసర్ à°•ి మరిà°¯ు à°µాà°°్à°¡్ à°¸ెà°•్à°°à°Ÿేà°°ియట్ à°²ో à°—à°² YSR à°…à°°్బన్ à°•్à°²ిà°¨ిà°•్à°¸్ à°®ెà°¡ిà°•à°²్ ఆఫీసర్ à°•ి దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°«ాà°°ంà°²ు సమర్à°ªింà°šాà°²ి


AP Govt Jobs-DMHO NTR District Recruitment Notification for Asha Worker Vacancy:

Important dates for DMHO District NTR Asha Worker Jobs:

Vacancies under

National Health Mission

Post Name

Asha Worker

Starting Date of application


Last date to apply

10-12-2022 by 5 PM

DMHO NTR Provisional Merit List available date


DMHO NTR Final Merit List available date


Available vacancies in DMHO NTR Asha Worker Recruitment 2022:

There are total 99 posts are in this DMHO NTR District Recruitment 2022.

Asha Worker-Village Secretariats-81 Posts

Asha Worker-Vijayawada Municipal Corporation-18 Posts

Check Ward/Village Secretariat wise vacancies here

Ward Secretariat vacancies details are given in notification.

DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Recruitment 2022 99 AP Govt Jobs Application Form

Qualifications for DMHO NTR Asha Worker Posts:

10th pass qualified candidates are eligible to apply. Intermediate qualified candidates also preferred.

Asha must be a woman resident of the “slum / vulnerable clusters”

Preferably Married/Divorced/Widow/Separated women

ASHA should have effective communication skills with language fluency of the are / population she is expected to cover leadership qualities and be able to reach out to the community

Age limits for DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Recruitment 2022:

Age limits are 25-45 years.

Pay Scale for DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Jobs:

For Asha Worke Jobsr-Rs.10000/- per month.

Selection Process for DMHO NTR District Asha Worker Jobs:

Selection for this DMHO NTR District jobs is based on 10th marks and previous work experience.

50 Marks for -Merit in qualifications

50 Marks for-Previous experience

How to apply for DMHO NTR Asha Worker Recruitment 2022:

Mode of application is offline. Official website to download application is of Last date to apply for this DMHO NTR jobs is before 5 pm on 10-12-2022.

దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°¦ాà°°ుà°²ు తమ  à°—్à°°ాà°®ా సచిà°µాలయ పరిà°§ిà°²ోà°¨ి à°ª్à°°ాధమిà°• ఆరోà°—్à°¯ à°•ేంà°¦్à°°ం à°¨ంà°¦ు à°—à°²  à°®ెà°¡ిà°•à°²్ ఆఫీసర్ à°•ి మరిà°¯ు à°µాà°°్à°¡్ à°¸ెà°•్à°°à°Ÿేà°°ియట్ à°²ో à°—à°² YSR à°…à°°్బన్ à°•్à°²ిà°¨ిà°•్à°¸్ à°®ెà°¡ిà°•à°²్ ఆఫీసర్ à°•ి దరఖాà°¸్à°¤ు à°«ాà°°ంà°²ు సమర్à°ªింà°šాà°²ి.


Wardwise vacancies


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