ALC Andhra Loyola College Notification for Lecturers Jobs 2020
Andhra Loyola College 2019 Jobs: Andhra Loyola College is released new vacancy notification in today newspaper for the available Lecturers, Programmers Jobs. Andhra Loyola College is located in Vijayawada. The applications submit from 13-09-2020 onwards.The last date to submit the application form on or before 16-09-2020. Official website for this Andhra Loyola College Eligible candidates can send the updated resume with all Educational Certificate copies to Andhra Loyola College Email Address is given below. M.Phil / Ph.D/Net/Set or equivalent qualification having candidates can apply for Andhra Loyola College Lecturers Jobs. They prefered teaching Experience candidate for Andhra Loyola College Lecturers Jobs. Remaining details are given updated below.
Lecturers Jobs in Andhra Loyola College Recruitment 2020
College Name:
Andhra Loyola College
Important date for ALC Notification:
Starting date to apply: 13-09-2020.
Ending date to apply: 16-09-2020
Available vacancies in ALC Lecturer jobs Recruitment:
Post Name:
Departments :
English Physics Chemistry Sanskrit Mathematics Botany Electronics Statistics Bachelor in Business Administration Zoology Food technology Visual communication History Political science Computer science
Qualification for ALC Lecturers jobs Recruitment :
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