Allahabad High Court RO Recruitment/Exam-2017: High Court of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh has been invites online applications for the available Review Officer posts in Subordinates courts of Uttar Pradesh State under High Court. There are total 343 RO
vacancies and 66 ARO available in this current recruitment of Allahabad High Court. Interested and eligible candidates can submit your application form online from 18-November-2016 to 15-December-2016 for RO posts and for ARO posts 11-11-16 to 02-12-16 through website. Selection for these RO vacancies will be based on objective type written test and computer knowledge test. For details regarding Review Officer Jobs of Allahabad High Court Recruitment age limits, pay scale, qualifications and more info is given below.
How To Apply Online for Allahabad High Court Recruitment of Review Officer:
Sufficient qualifications having candidates can apply online through the High Court of Allahabad Official website online on or before 15-12-2016 for RO posts and 02-12-2016 for ARO posts. Upload photo and signature scanned copy and provide email id and mobile number of yours at the time of application form submission online.
Review Officer Government Jobs of Allahabad High Court Recruitment 2016
See the official advertisement of Review Officer Jobs
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