Gram Vikas Vibhag Uttarakhand SSSC Assistant Accountant (Sahayak Lekhpal) Exam General Recruitment Notification 2017
UKSSSC Assistant Accountant Jobs Recruitment Group C Exam 2017: Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission has been invites online applications for Group C post Assistant Accountant vacancies in Gram Vikas Vibhag of Uttarakhand state. There are total
59 sahayak lekhpal vacancies in Rural Development Department of Uttarakhand. This UKSSSC group C post of Asst Accountant jobs will be filled through a Competitive Examination. Commerce graduation qualified candidates only eligible to apply online for this Uttarakhand Rural Development Department Sahayak Lekhpal Jobs. Closing date for online application submission is 12-March-2017 through the official website of SSSC of Uttarakhand This Assistant Accountants recruitment of UKSSSC will be held through written examination and typing/skill test. Available vacancies, age limits, qualifications, and online application form submission details and more for UKSSSC Assistant Accountant (Sahayak Lekhpal) is given below.
Government Jobs of Assistant Accountant (Sahayak Lekhpal) in Uttarakhand SSSC:
UKSSSC Assistant Accountant Jobs Recruitment 2017 Important dates:
Online application starting Date is | 22-January-2017 |
Online application closing date is | 12-March-2017 |
Fee payment last date | 14-March-2017 |
Admit card and exam date details will be given later.
Available vacancies of Uttarakhand SSSC Assistant Accountant Jobs Recruitment 2017:
There are total 59 vacancies in this UKSSSC Rural Development Department Competitive Exam 2017
Vacancies available in Gram Vikas Vibhag is
Post Name-Assistant Accountant-59 Posts
GEN-23,GEN(WO)-11, GEN(EX)-02,GEN PH-01, GEN(DFF)-01, SC-06, SC(WO)-03, SC(EX)-01, ST-01, OBC-06, OBC(WO)-03, OBC(EX)-01)
Pay Scale for Uttarakhand SSSC Assistant Accountant Recruitment:
For the post of UK SSSC Assistant Accountant pay scale is Rs.5200/- to 20200/- +GP 2800/-
Qualifications for UKSSSC Sahayak Lekhapal Govt Jobs Recruitment 2017:
The candidates must have qualified Commerce degree or PG Diploma in Accountancy from a recognized university and DOEAC O level certificate or one year computer diploma course from a recognized institute and 5000 key depressions typing on computer.
Additional qualification: 2 Years experience in Territorial Army or NCC B certificate having candidates will be preferred.
Age limits for Assistant Accountant Exam of UTTARAKHAND SSSC Recruitment 2017:
Age limits as on 01-July-2017 is 21-42 Years. For SC/ST 5 years and OBC candidates 3 years of upper age limit relaxation is given.
UTTARAKHAND SSSC Selection Process for Assistant Accountant Recruitment 2017:
Selection for this UKSSSC Assistant Accountant Jobs recruitment will be through common objective type multiple choice written exam and certificates verification.
1. Written Test
2. Certificates verification
Those who qualify in the written test they are only eligible to attend the personal interview or certificates verification.
Written Test Exam Pattern and Syllabus for UKSSSC Assistant Accountant Recruitment:
Written test will be conducted for 200 marks and consists of 2 different papers.
Each paper will be conducted for 100 marks.
Both papers will be in objective type multiple choice questions only.
Paper 1 Exam Syllabus Topics:
1. General Hindi
2. General Knowledge and General Knowledge
3. Commerce/Accounts related questions will be given
Paper 2 Exam Syllabus:
DOEACC O Level questions will be given for 100 marks.
Computer Typing Test: 50 Marks
5000 key depression candidate must have completed in given time.
Application fee for UKSSSC Assistant Accountant Recruitment Examination:
Examination fee for General/OBC candidates is Rs.300/- and for all other candidates examination fee is Rs.150/-.
Application procedure for UTTARAKHAND SSSC Assistant Accountant Sahayak Lekhpal Recruitment 2017:
For Gram Vikas Vibhag jobs candidates have to submit application form online Online application link will be closed on 12-03-2017. Candidates can pay the fee through online generated chalan on or before 14-03-2017. Provide valid contact details for communication with UKSSSC.
Assistant Accountant Government Jobs in UTTARAKHAND SSSC Recruitment Exam Notification:
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