South Central Railway Secunderabad SCR Recruitment Walk in Interview for 30 Govt Jobs
SCR Staff Nurse Recruitment Walk in Interview 2018: South Central Railway, Secunderabad proposes to enlist full time para-medical staff on contract basis for a fixed period in the category of Staff Nurse from open market by conducting Walk in interviews. There are total 30 Staff Nurse jobs
in this Secunderabad SCR Recruitment 2018. GNM diploma of 3 years or B.Sc Nursing qualification having candidates can apply online for this Staff Nurse Jobs of South Central Railway Recruitment 2018. Walk in Interview will be held at Railway Degree College, Tarnaka, Secunderabad for this SCR Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018. Age limits, application form, salary and other details are given below for this South Central Railway Staff Nurse recruitment 2018 walk in interview.
South Central Railway Government Jobs of Staff Nurse Recruitment Walk in Interview Notification 2018:
Important Dates for SCR Secunderabad Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018:
Post Name & Organization Name
South Central Railway SCR Staff Nurse Jobs
Walk in interview date is
Registration Time
08.00 A.M to 12230 P.M
Venue of walk in interview venue is
Railway Degree College, Tarnaka, Secunderabad
Available vacancies in SCR Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018:
There are total 30 Staff Nurse jobs in this SCR recruitment.
UR-16 Posts
OBC-09 Posts
SC-05 Posts
ST-02 Posts
Age limits for Staff Nurse jobs of SCR Recruitment 2018:
As on 01-10-2018 age limits are
UR : 20-33 Years
SC & ST : 20-38 Years
OBC : 20-36 Years
Qualifications for South Central Railway Staff Nurse Jobs:
GNM Diploma or B.Sc nursing qualified candidates are eligible to attend the walk in interview.
Note: At the time of registration, candidates will be allotted with specific date for interview. Hence, the candidates may be required to stay at Secunderabad for more than one day.
Pay Scale for SCR Staff Nurse Posts:
Salary is Rs.44900/- for SCR staff nurse posts.
Contract Period:
Contract period is up to 30-06-2019 for this SCR staff nurse recruitment.
Selection Process for Staff Nurse jobs in South Central Railway Recruitment 2018:
Candidates selection will be based on walk in interview for this SCR recruitment of Staff nurse jobs. Preference will be given to the candidates who are having work experience.
How to apply for SCR Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018 Walk in Interview:
Interested candidates can attend the walk in interview on 24-10-2018 for these South Central Railway Secunderabad Staff Nurse jobs.
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