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Rajya Sabha Secretariat Recruitment for Stenographer, Secretariat Assistant, Parliamentary Interpreter Govt Vacancies 2017

Rajya Sabha Secretariat Recruitment Cell for 115 Parliamentary Interpreter and Other Jobs Recruitment Notification Apply Online

Recruitment of Rajya Sabha Secretariat Vacancies:  Parliament of India invites applications from young and capable candidates for the Govt vacancies of Rajya Sabha Secretariat Posts of Parliamentary Interpreter, Assistant Legislative, Stenographer, Security Assistant, Translator, Proof Reader and other jobs. There are total 115 vacancies in the Rajya Sabha
Secretariat Recruitment. The candidates must possess a minimum educational qualification as specified in the official notification. The interested can apply online from 25-07-2017. The applying candidate should not exceed the age of 35 years as per the notification. The selected candidates have to undergo a probationary period for 2 years. The application fee for Rajya Sabha Secretariat Jobs is Rs. 300. The applied candidates will be selected by way of written examination. For more details and further information regarding educational qualification, age limit, pay scale, exam pattern, syllabus, selection procedure and applying process about Rajya Sabha Secretariat Recruitment go through the information given below.

Govt Vacancies for Parliamentary Interpreter, Assistant Legislative, Stenographer, Security Assistant and Other Jobs Recruitment Notification 2017

Important Dates for Rajya Sabha Secretariat Jobs:

The starting date to apply online is 25-07-2017
The ending date to submit the applications is 18-08-2017

Available Vacancies in Rajya Sabha Recruitment 2017:

There are total 115 vacancies in the recruitment of Rajya Sabha Secretariat. They are as follows:

  1. Parliamentary Interpreter (English/Hindi)-01 Post
  2.  Parliamentary Interpreter (Odia)-01 Post
  3. Assistant Legislative-20 Posts
  4. Stenographer (English)-11 Posts
  5. Security Assistant Grade 2-21 Posts
  6. Proof Reader-03 Posts
  7. Translator-19 Posts
  8. Secretariat Assistant (Urdu)-02 Posts
  9. Secretariat Assistant (Hindi)-07 Posts
  10. Secretariat Assistant (English)-30 Posts

Important Details of Parliamentary Interpreter, Security Assistant Jobs:

Name of the Organization
Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Parliament of India
Name of the Posts
Parliamentary Interpreter, Assistant legislative, Stenographer, Security Assistant, Proof Reader, Translator, Secretariat Assistant
No of Vacancies
115 vacancies
Last date

Age Criteria for Rajya Sabha Govt Vacancies:

The candidates applying for the vacancies of Rajya Sabha Secretariat should have a minimum age of 18 years. The candidates should not exceed the age of 35 years for the posts of Parliamentary Interpreter, Translator and Proof Reader. For the remaining posts, the maximum age limit is 30 years. However, age relaxations are provided as per reservations.

Educational Qualification for the Posts in Rajya Sabha Secretariat:

Parliamentary Interpreter:The candidate applying for Parliamentary Interpreter Job must have Master’s degree from a recognized Board or University in English with medium of Hindi Language up to degree level or Master’s degree in Hindi with medium of English Language up to degree level.
Assistant Legislative:The candidate should possess a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized Board or University. The candidate should have a desirable qualification of Certificate in computer course recognized by AICTE/DOEACC or courses equivalent to “O‟ Level in terms of grade and duration of course as prescribed by DOEACC.
Stenographer: The applicant of Stenographer post must have Bachelor’s degree from a recognized Board or University and should possess a minimum Shorthand speed of 80 w.p.m. in English. The preference may be given to those knowing both English and Hindi stenography.
For more details regarding educational qualification of the remaining posts refer the official notification.

Pay Scale for Rajya Sabha Govt Vacancies:

Name of the Post
Pay Scale
Parliamentary Interpreter (English/Hindi/Odia)
Rs. 15,800-39,100 + G.P Rs. 5,400
Assistant Legislative
Rs. 9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,800
Stenographer, Security Assistant
Rs.9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,200
Secretariat Assistant (English, Hindi, Urdu)
Rs.5,200-20,200 + Rs. 2,400
Rs. 9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,800
Proof Reader
Rs. 9,300-34,800 + Rs. 4,200

Probationary Period for Rajya Sabha Secretariat Jobs:

The applied and selected candidates will have a probationary period of 2 years. There may be tests and examinations during the probationary period.

Application Fee for Translator, Secretariat Assistant Jobs:

The interested candidates may apply for Rajya Sabha Secretariat Jobs by paying an application fee of Rs.300. The fee can be paid by online mode only. For more details refer the official notification.

Selection Process and exam pattern for the Recruitment of Rajya Sabha Jobs:

The applied candidates will be selected by way of written examination conducted by the Board. There will be preliminary and main examinations. The examination will be conducted group wise. The candidate must attain minimum percentage as per the requirement.
1. Preliminary Examination-Preliminary examination will be objective type only
2. Mains Written Examination -Mains Examination will be descriptive type =.
3. Skill Test
4. Interview

How to Apply for Rajya Sabha Secretariat Govt Jobs:

The interested and eligible candidates can apply online by registering in the official website of Rajya Sabha portal i.e., The candidates need to pay the application fee. Fill the application with the required details and attach the testimonials. Take printout and send to address given in the official notification.
Rajya Sabha Secretariat Govt Vacancies for Parliamentary Interpreter, Secretariat Assistant and other Jobs

Apply Online here for Rajya Sabha Govt Jobs Recruitment 2017

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