NHM Udhampur Junior Staff Nurse Recruitment-2022: National Health Mission, District Health Society Udhampur invites applications from the eligible candidates for the available Junior Staff Nurse and DHFWS jobs. There are total 16 Junior Staff Nurse vacancies in NHM Udhampur Recruitment 2022. GNM diploma or FMPHW Diploma qualified candidates are eligible to apply. Application form submission last date for this NHM Udhampur Junior Staff Nurse Recruitment 2022 is 27-09-2022. Official website to download application for this NHM Udhampur Junior Staff Nurse Jobs is https://Udhampur.gov.in/. Candidates selection for this NHM Udhampur Junior Staff Nurse Recruitment 2022 is based on screening test and merit in qualification, documents verification. Age limits, qualification, how to apply, application form and other details are given below for this NHM DHS Udhampur Staff Nurse Vacancy.
Starting date to apply | 12-09-2022 |
Last date to apply | 27-09-2022 |
There are total 16 Junior Staff Nurse vacancies are in this NHM Udhampur Recruitment 2022.
Junior Staff Nurse-15 Posts
FMPHW-01 Post
All the post are contact basis.
Upper age limit is 45 years.
Staff Nurse-GNM Diploma
Salary for NHM Junior Staff Nurse jobs is Rs.16965/- per month
For NUHM JSN Rs.14040/-
Candidates selection is based on merit in qualifications and interview for this JSN jobs.
Eligible candidates apply online for this Junior Staff Nurse Jobs on or before the last date. Official website to download application form is https://udhampur.nic.in/.
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