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NHM Jammu Kashmir GNM CHO IGNOU Bridge Program Recruitment 2020 400 Community Health Officer Govt Jobs Apply Online

NHM Jammu Kashmir Recruitment 2020 IGNOW Bridge Program for Community Health Officer CHO Govt Jobs

NHM JK GNM Community Health Officer Recruitment: National Health Mission of Jammu Kashmir is released Bridge Program Certificate Course notification for the GNM, BSC Nursing, BAMS, BUMS qualified candidates. This Bridge Program Training is offered by IGNOU is for creating the Community Health Officers under NHM Jammu Kashmir through “Certificate Course in Community Health-MLHP”. Successfully training completed candidates will be posted in their own district to lead a team of Health worker, Asha worker, and others. There are total 400 CHO vacancies in this NHM Jammu Kashmir Recruitment 2020. Candidates selection for this NHM JK CHO Recruitment 2020 is purely based on merit only. IGNOU Bridge Program of NHM JK CHO Recruitment 2020 age limits, how to apply, selection process and other details are given below.


IGNOU Bridge Program Certificate Course for NHM Jammu Kashmir CHO Govt Jobs Recruitment 2020 Notification

Important Dates for NHM JK Community Health Officer Recruitment 2020:

Post Name & Organization NameNHM Jammu Kashmir Community Health Officer Recruitment 2020-Bridge Course Certification Program
No of Vacancies400
Last date to submit application form31-12-2020
LocationJammu Kashmir
Course Duration6 Months


Available vacancies in NHM JK Community Health Officer Recruitment 2020:

There are total 400 posts are in this NHM Jammu Kashmir recruitment for CHO.

Post Name and no of posts are given below.

Post Name: CHO community Health Officer-400 Posts

Kashmir Division










Jammu Division










Age limits for NHM Jammu Kashmir CHO Jobs:

As on 01-01-2021 upper age limit is 45 years.

Educational Qualifications for NHM JK CHO Recruitment 2020:

GNM Diploma or B.Sc Nursing or Post Basic B.Sc Nursing or BUMS or BAMS qualified candidate are eligible for apply for this IGNOU Bridge Program.


Stipend for NHM JK Bridge Program for Community Health Officer Jobs:

Candidates will received Rs.10000/- at the time of training. Or Based on NHM JK Norms will pay the salary.

After posting will get Rs.16000/- per month.


NHM JK CHO Recruitment Selection Process:

Jammu Kashmir NHM CHO selection is based on merit in academic qualification.


How to apply for NHM JK CHO Govt Jobs Recruitment 2020:

Candidates who are qualified B.Sc Nursing or GNM Diploma or BAMS or BUMS they can download application form at Last date to submit the filled application form to respective Jammu or Kashmir division is 31-12-2020.


Note: Division wise address details are given in notification.

Download Notification and Application Form here

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