Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation BMC Labour, Room Attendant, Multipurpose Hand, Worker, Hamal Ayah Recruitment Exam 2017
MUMBAI BMC Labour Jobs Online Exam Notification 2017: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has invited applications from the talented candidates for the vacancies of Labour, Aayah, Hamal, Worker, Multipurpose Hand, Room Attendant, Crematorium workers vacancies. The total
vacancies available in this Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation BMC Recruitment Exam are 1388 posts. Interested candidates have to visit the official website of BMC Mumbai and apply for BMC Labour, worker and other jobs. Application submission through online starts from 11-12-2017 to 31-12-2017. Candidate must have passed 10
thclass with Marathi as one of the subject. Selection for this BMC Labour, Worker vacancies is based on candidate merit skills in Online written exam. Exam Pattern and Syllabus details of BMC vacancies are given detailed in the notification. For more information regarding Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation BMC Labour, worker, ayah, room attendant, Hamal vacancies Exam notification syllabus details, age limits, Pay Scale, application Procedure details are given below.
Eligibility Criteria for Labour, Room Attendant, Worker govt Jobs in Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation BMC Mumbai Exam Notification 2017
Important Dates for Mumbai BMC Labour Recruitment Exam 2017:
Starting date to submit BMC Mumbai Online applications: 11-12-2017
Last date to submit BMC Mumbai online applications: 31-12-2017
Last date to make BMC Mumbai Labour Jobs application fee payment: 01-01-2018
BMC Mumbai Recruitment exam Admit Cards released on: 15-01-2018
BMC Mumbai Recruitment Written exam date: February- 2017
Available Room Attendant, Worker, Multipurpose Hand, Hamal Ayah vacancies in BMC Recruitment 2017:
Total available vacancies in this Mumbai BMC Labour Recruitment Exam Notification are given below.
Total no of vacancies: 1388 posts.
Name of the post: Labour, Hamal, Worker, Aayah, Room Attendant, Crematorium workers, Multipurpose Hand.
Category wise vacancies:
-General: 504 Posts
-OBC: 356 Posts
-SC: 223 Posts
-ST: 108 Post
-SBC: 32 Posts
-NT A: 48 Posts
-NT B: 34 Posts
-NT C: 51 Posts
-NT D: 32 Posts
Age limits for BMC Labour Jobs Notification 2017:
Minimum age limit is 18 years.
Maximum age limit is 38 years for general category and for 43 years for reserved candidates.
Pay Scale for Mumbai BMC Labour, worker, Room Attendant Jobs Recruitment:
Monthly salary for BMC Labour Vacancies is Rs.5200/- to Rs.20200/- with GP Rs.1800/-
Educational Qualifications for BMC Labour Jobs Notification 2017:
Candidate must have passed 10th class with Marathi language as one of the subject with 100 marks.
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation BMC Recruitment Selection Process 2017:
Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation selection committee is going to conduct Online written exam to select candidates for BMC Labour vacancies.
Only Qualified candidates will be allowed for documents verification.
Mumbai BMC Labour Notification Online Exam pattern 2017:
BMC Online exam consists of 100 questions conducted in Marathi language only. The duration of exam is 2hours. Total marks are 100. Min qualifying marks for this Mumbai BMC Labour jobs exam is 50 marks.
BMC Labour Bharthi Exam Pattern:
1. Marathi: 40 Marks
2. General Knowledge: 25 Marks
3. English: 10 Marks
4. Arithmetic & Reasoning: 25 Marks
Physical Measurements for BMC Labour vacancies 2017:
For male:
-Height-159 cms
-Weight 50 kgs.
For Female:
-Height-150 cms
-weight 45 kgs.
How to Apply for BMC Recruitment Labour, Hamal, Ayah, Worker, Room Attendant Jobs Recruitment Examination 2017:
Interested candidates have to visit the official website of BMC Mumbai Candidates interested for BMC recruitment Labour, worker and other jobs have to send applications from 11-12-2017 to 31-12-2017 through online.
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