MHA Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor, Cipher Assistant Jobs Recruitment Exam Notification 2017
MHA Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor Recruitment 2017: Ministry of Home Affairs MHA has been released recruitment notification for Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor, Cipher Assistant
posts. There are total 69 vacancies will be filled
through MHA Recruitment 2017 on deputation/ transfer basis in Directorate of Coordination. Eligible candidates can download the application from MHA web portal and send to the given address. Send the filled application through offline on or before 60 days from the date of publication in the employment news. Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor Jobs in MHA recruitment selection will be based on written test/ Interview. Further details regarding Ministry of Home Affairs MHA Recruitment 2017 Selection process, Age limits, Application procedure, Qualifications and other information are given below.
Government Jobs of Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor, Cipher Assistant in MHA Recruitment 2017:
MHA Technical Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2017 Important dates:
Last date to submit application through offline: 60 days from the date of issue of notification in Employment News.
Notification Given Date 01-04-2017
Available Technical Assistant, Cipher Assistant vacancies in MHA Recruitment 2017:
There are total 69 posts are going to fill through this MHA Recruitment Exam 2017
Vacancies available in Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) is
1. Technical Assistant: 28 posts.
2. Wireless Supervisor: 30 posts.
3. Cipher Assistant: 11 posts.
Pay Scale for MHA Wireless Supervisor Jobs Recruitment:
Pay Scale for MHA Recruitment vacancies is Rs.9300/- to 34800/- plus Grade pay of Rs.4200/- per month.
Required Qualifications for MHA Technical Asst, Cipher Assistant Recruitment 2017:
State/Central Police Radio Organizations/ Defence Service candidates who have undergone Grade III Cipher course of the Directorate of coordination (Police Wireless)/ their organizations and having 03 years practical experience in operation of the cryptosystems.
See the official notification for qualification details.
Age limits for Wireless Supervisor Jobs in MHARecruitment 2017:
Candidate should have maximum age limit of 56 years as on the last date of the receipt of application.
Age relaxation will be applicable as per Govt Rules and regulations.
MHA Recruitment Selection Process:
Selection for this MHA recruitment vacancy will be held based on written test/Interview.
How to apply for MHA Technical Assistant, Cipher Asst, Wireless Supervisor Recruitment 2017:
Candidates should apply for the Technical Assistant, Wireless Supervisor, Cipher Assistant Jobs through offline using MHA website. Detailed instructions are given in MHA notification for filling the application. Eligible candidates submit the filled application along with Integrity certificate, attested copies of the last five years APARs to the following address. Last date to send application is within 60 days from the date of publication in the employment news.
Assistant Director (Admn),
MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs),
Directorate of Coordination (Police Wireless),
Block No.09, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi, pin- 110003.
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