WRD Maharashtra Architecture Engineering Assistant, Chowkidar, Junior Engineer Civil, Senior Clerk, Soldiers, clerk cum Typist Jobs Recruitment Exam 2017 Apply Now
Maharashtra WRD Junior Engineer Recruitment/Exam-2017: Maharashtra Water Resources Department released notification to recruit the Retired Employees for available vacancies of ongoing project of Upper Penganga Project Board of Nanded district. Available posts are Junior Engineer Civil, Architecture Engineering Assistant, Clerk cum Typist, Soldiers, Chowkidar, Driver and Senior Clerk. These vacancies are contract based only. There are total 398 vacancies available in Maharashtra Water Resources Department in this current recruitment. Interested candidates can submit their application form in a prescribed format on or before 10-January-2017. Selection for this WRD Maharashtra Jobs will be based on written test and personal interview. For more details regarding Maharashtra Water Resources Department jobs qualification details, age limits, number of vacancies and more information is given below.
Maharashtra Government Jobs of WRD Water Resources Department Junior Engineer, Clerk cum Typist and various jobs Recruitment 2017
Important Dates for Maharashtra Water Resources Department Jobs:
Last date to reach the filled application is 10-01-2017
Available Vacancies of Retired Officer/Employees Jobs in WRD Maharashtra Recruitment 2017:
There are total 398 vacancies available in this current recruitment of Maharashtra WRD.
Post Name and vacancy details are given below.
1. Junior Engineers – 103 Jobs
2. Clerk and Typist – 90 Jobs
3. Architecture Engineering Assistant – 64 Jobs
4. Soldiers – 57 Jobs
5. Senior Clerk – 41 Jobs
6. Chowkidar – 22 Jobs
7. Motor Driver – 21 Jobs
Age limits for Junior Engineer, Clerk cum Typist and other jobs of WRD Maharashtra:
Upper age limit for all the posts is 60 Years.
Educational Qualifications:
Must have work experience in relevant position and experience of Operations/Administration works office.
Bond: Selected candidates have to execute the Rs.100/- stamp papers for contract period.
Application Fee: No fee.
Selection Process for WRD Maharashtra Retired Employees Jobs:
Selection for these vacancies will be based on personal interview and based on work experience.
How To Apply for Upper Penganga Project Board of WRD Maharashtra Recruitment 2017:
Candidates can submit their application form to the Upper Penganga Project Board Superintendent along with all required documents and all other details on or before 10-01-2017.
Superintendent Engineer,
Upper Penganga Project Board,
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