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Madhya Pradesh Postal Department Sports Quota Postman, Postal/Sorting Assistant, MTS Recruitment 2017 31 Govt Jobs

Postman, MTS and Postal/Sorting Assistant MP Postal Circle Recruitment Examination Notification 2017

Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Postal/Sorting Assistant Recruitment Examination 2017: Department of postal Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Bhopal has been invited applications to recruit the available postman cadre, Postal/Sorting Assistant Jobs
in postal/Railway Mail Service division of Madhya Pradesh under Sports Quota. There are total 31 vacancies available in Madhya Pradesh postal circle administrative offices, Post Offices and subordinate offices, railway mail service offices through the direct recruitment. Last date for applying for this Department of Postal Madhya Pradesh Postal/Sorting Assistant Jobs recruitment is 12-April-2017. The eligible candidates who passed matriculation can download application form from Madhya Pradesh postal circle @ or from . The selection will be made on  educational and sports qualifications for this Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Postman, Postal/Sorting Assistant and MTS Jobs recruitment 2017.

Postman, MTS, Sorting Assistant, Postal Asst Government Jobs of MP Postal Department Recruitment Notification 2017:

This is such a good opportunity for those who are looking jobs on matriculation/10+2 qualification and Sports quota in Madhya Pradesh Postal Department. For more information regarding this recruitment of MP Postman and Postal/Sorting Assistant see the details furnished below.


Important dates for Postman, Postal Assistant/Sorting Asst Postal Department Jobs in MP DOP Recruitment 2017:

Last date to for submission of the application form is 12-04-2017.

Available vacancies in MADHYA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE Postman and Sorting/Postal Assistant Recruitment 2017:

There are total 31 vacancies available in Madhya Pradesh POSTAL CIRCLE.
Department Name: Postal Department
Postman-02 Posts
Postal Assistant-23 Posts
Sorting Assistant-04 Posts
MTS-02 Posts

Required Qualifications for Madhya Pradesh POSTAL CIRCLE Postal Assistant Recruitment 2017:

For Postman, MTS Jobs-The candidate must have qualified SSC (10th) or matriculation from recognized boards.
For Postal/Sorting Assistant Jobs: Candidate must have qualified 12th class.
For all the posts candidates must have specific Sport Certificate.
1. Badminton
2. Cricket
3. Power Lifting
4. Table Tennis
5. Hockey

Age limits for MADHYA PRADESH Postal/Sorting Assistant Recruitment 2017:

As on 12-April-2017 unreserved candidates age limits are 18-27 years.
For SC/ST 5 years, For OBC 3 years of age relaxations are given.

Madhya Pradesh POSTAL CIRCLE Postal Assistant Recruitment Selection Process:

The selection for this Madhya Pradesh POSTAL CIRCLE Recruitment will be held based on educational qualifications and sports qualifications.
Field Trails will be conducted. Candidates has to bring their own kits for field selection.
There is no written exam for this Sports Quota Jobs of MP Postal Circle
Pay Scale for Madhya Pradesh Postal Department jobs: 
For Postal/Sorting Assistant-Rs.25500/-
For Postman Rs.21700/-
For MTS-Rs. 18000/-

Application fees and Exam Fee for Madhya Pradesh POSTAL CIRCLE Postman Recruitment-2017:

1. All the candidates has to pay the Rs.100/- towards application registration process fee.
2. Examination fee is Rs. 400/-  Only for the candidates who are called for Selection/Field Trails (There is no exam fees for SC/ST and Women candidates)
(Total Rs.500/- for general and OBC candidates and for SC/ST Rs.100/-)

MP Postal Circle Sports Quota Application Procedure for Postal/Sorting Assistant Jobs:

Candidates can download the application form from website for this Sports Quota Jobs of MP Postal Circle. Filled application form to be reached to “Assistant Postmaster General (Estt./Rectt.), Room No.205, ll Floor, O/o the Chief Postmaster General, MP Circle, Bhopal -462012″

Postman, Mail Guard Postal Department Government Jobs in MADHYA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE:

Please share this MADHYA PRADESH POSTAL CIRCLE Postman and Mail Guard RMS Recruitment 2016 article to your lovable friends through online social networking sites.

Selection Process for Madhya Pradesh Postal Department Postman Recruitment 2016:

Selection will be based on purely merit on written examination marks only.
Probationary period for this recruitment is 2 years.

Exam Pattern and Syllabus for Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Postman Examination 2016:

Written test will be conducted in the form of objective type multiple choice questions for the 100 marks with 2 hours duration.
Subjects for written test are
1. General Knowledge-25 Marks
2. Maths-25 Marks
3. English-25 Marks
4. Hindi-25 Marks

Exam Syllabus for Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment 2016:

Postman & Mail Guard General Knowledge Exam Syllabus:
Topics : General policy & Constitution of India Economics, Geography, Indian History, Freedom Struggle & Sports, General Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & analytical ability of 10thstandard
Tip: 2 or 3 question will be given from each topic.
MP Postman & Mail Guard Mathematics Exam Syllabus:
Topics:- computation of whole numbers, Number systems,  Decimals & fractions, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Relationship between numbers, percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Simple interest, Average, Profit & loss, Discount, Time & work, Partnership,  Use of Tables & Graphs, Time & Distance, Mensuration.
Tip: 1 or 2 question will be given from each topic.
MP Postman & Mail Guard English Exam Syllabus:
Topics: – Articles, Prepositions, tenses, Phrases, verbs, Conjunctions, synonyms & Antonyms, sentence structure, vocabulary, Proverbs, Questions from a small unseen passage etc
Tip: 2 or 3 question will be given from each topic.
Postman & Mail Guard Madhya Pradesh Hindi Exam Syllabus:
Topic:- Shabd Pad, Kriya Bhed, Mishr & Sanyukt Vakya, Vakyo ka Rupantaran, Swar Sandhi, Alankar, Samas, Muhavare & Lokoktiyan, Ashudh Vakya Shodhan, Apathit Gadyansh.
Tip: 5 questions will be asked for Aaphit Gadyansh and from other topics or 3 questions will be given.

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