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Karnataka SSLC Exam dates-KSEEB 10th class exam date-Karnataka 10th Class New Exam dates Check here

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Announced 10th Class Exam dates

Karnataka 10th Exam dates: KSEEB has announced new exam dates for the pending exams of 10th class. Due corona virus Karnataka SSLC exams are postponed in March 2020.Karnataka State Government has decided to conduct the pending exams will more precautions from 25-06-2020 to

04-07-2020. Nearly 8,50,000 students are appearing for this Karnataka 10th class exams. Karnataka 10th class exams starts with Second Language on June 25 and ends with Third Language on July 3. At the time of attending the exam students must have wear mask and having sanitizer is mandatory. Karnataka 10th class exam time table is updated below.

Karnataka 10th Class Exam Time Table:

Exam Date
Subject Name
 Second Language (English/ Kannada)
 Economics, Engineering Graphics-, Elements of Computer Science, Elements of Electrical Engineering, Elements of Mechanical Engineering
 Science/Political Science/ Karnatac/Hindustani Music/
 Social Science
 First Language
 Third Language

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