GPSSB Examination Staff Nurse, Mukhya Sevika, Statistical Assistant, Social Welfare Inspector Recruitment Notification 2018-Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Gujarat Staff Nurse, Social Welfare Inspector Examination 2018: Gujarat Panchayat Services Selection Board invites applications from the citizens of Gujarat State to recruit the available vacancies of 594 Staff Nurse, Mukhya Sevika,Statistical Assistant, Compounder and
Social Welfare Inspector jobs. Selection for this recruitment is based on preliminary written examination only. Those who are qualified preliminary written test they are only eligible for the personal interview. Apply online for these vacancies on or before the closing date of 17-09-2018 through GPSSB recruitment portal of For Gujarat PSSB Mukhya Sevika Jobs last date to apply online is 12-09-2018. For more details regarding this Gujarat Panchayat SSB recruitment of Staff Nurse, Social Welfare Inspector, Statistical Assistant, Compounder posts eligibility criteria, age limits, exam details, Exam Pattern and Syllabus, educational qualifications and more information is please see below.
Government Jobs in Gujarat PSSB Social Welfare Inspector, Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Mukhya Sevika and Compounder Recruitment 2018-Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
Gujarat PSSB Staff Nurse, Compounder Jobs Recruitment 2016 Important dates:
Online Registration Starting Date | 05-09-2018 |
Online Registration Closing Date | 17-09-2018 |
Last Date for GPSSB Mukhya Sevika Jobs | 12-09-2018 |
Available vacancies in GPSSB Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Social Welfare Inspector Jobs Recruitment 2018:
There are total 462 vacancies available in Gujarat PSSB various department is
Staff Nurse Grade 3-285 Posts
Social Welfare Inspector-08 Posts
Statistical Assistant-29 Posts
Compounder Grade 3-155 Posts
Mukhya Sevikas-55 Posts
For category wise vacancies please see the official notification.
Educational Qualifications for Gujarat PSSB Statistical Assistant Vacancy Recruitment 2018:
For Mukhya Sevika-Any Degree from a recognized university
For Staff Nurse: B.SC Nursing or Diploma in General Nursing form recognized university.
For Social Welfare Inspector-Bachelors Degree from any recognized university.
For Compounder B.Pharmacy / D.Pharmacy from a recognized institute or university.
For Statistical Assistant-PG or Degree with Statistics or Economics or Mathematics.
Age limits for Staff Nurse, Social Welfare Inspector Examination of GPSSB Recruitment 2016:
For Staff Nurse Upper age limit is 40 years.
For all other posts Upper age limit is 35 years and age limits for general female candidates 5 years, male candidates of reserved category 5 years and for female candidates of reserved 10 years of upper age relaxation is given.
GPSSB Selection Process for Social Welfare Inspector, Staff Nurse Recruitment:
Selection for all the posts will be based on written test and personal interview only. Objective type written test will be conducted.
1. Written Test
2. Personal Interview
Written Test Exam Pattern and Syllabus for Gujarat Panchayat Services Selection Board Jobs:
For Staff Nurse, Mukhya Sevika and Compounder posts
Written examination will be conducted for 100 marks.
Gujarati Language and Grammar for 20 marks, English Grammar 20 Marks, General Knowledge 25 Marks, Subject related knowledge for 35 marks.
For the post of Statistical Assistant and Social Welfare Inspector posts exam pattern is Gujarati Language and Grammar for 30 marks, English Grammar 30 Marks, General Knowledge 30 Marks, and Subject related knowledge for 50 marks.
How to apply online for Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board Jobs Recruitment 2016:
Candidates can apply online Select the post which you are going to apply and open the link fill all the required information. Finally upload the signature and photo images as per given sizes and then submit the application form online.
GPSSB Staff Nurse, Statistical Assistant, Social Welfare Inspector Government Jobs in Gujarat PSSB:
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