Postman and Mail Guard Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment Examination Notification 2016
Gujarat Postal Circle Postman Recruitment 2016: Department of posts Chief General office Gujarat Postal Circle Ahmadabad has been released notification to recruit the available postman cadre in postal division and Mail Guard cadre in Railway Mail Service Division of Gujarat. There are total 1242 vacancies available in Gujarat postal circle administrative offices and subordinate offices,
railway mail service offices through the direct recruitment. Last date for applying online for this Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Postman recruitment is 11-April-2016. The candidates who are having the required qualifications they can apply online via the official portal of Gujarat postal circle @ The selection will be based on the written test and followed by a personal interview for this GUJARAT POSTAL CIRCLE Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment 2016. For more details like educational qualification, age limits, exam syllabus, important dates etcplease see the below given information.
Government Jobs of Gujarat Postal Department Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment 2016:
This is such a huge vacancy in Gujarat Postal Department. So aspirants do not miss this opportunity and grab a chance to get a central government job in your native place itself.
Gujarat Postal Department Jobs Recruitment 2016 Important dates:
Online Application process starts from 12-03-2016
Online Application Closing Date is on 11-04-2016
Last date of fee payment and submission is 14-04-2016
Exam date will be announced later.
Available vacancies in GUJARAT POSTAL CIRCLE Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment 2016:
There are total 1242 vacancies available in Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE .
Department Name: Postal Department
Post Name: Postman-1220 Posts
1. General: 754 posts
2. OBC: 127 posts
3. SC: 137 posts
7. ST: 202 posts
Department Name: Rail Mail Service Department
Post Name: Mail Guard-22 Posts
1. General: 17 posts
2. OBC: 04 posts
3. SC: Nill
7. ST: 01 posts
Required Qualifications for Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Postman Recruitment 2016:
The candidate must have qualified SSC (10th) or matriculation from recognized boards.
Age limits for GUJARAT Postman Recruitment 2016:
As on 11-April-2016 unreserved candidates age limits are 18-27 years.
For SC/ST 5 years, For OBC 3 years, For PH candidates 10 years and PH SC/ST candidates 15 years of age relaxations are given.
Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Postman Recruitment Selection Process:
The selection for this Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Recruitment will be held based on objective type Written Exam and personnel interview.
Pay Scale for Gujarat Postal Department Postman and Mail Guard jobs:
The pay band is Rs. 5200-20200 with the Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/-
Application fees and Exam Fee for Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Postman Recruitment-2016:
1. All the candidates has to pay the Rs.100/- towards application fee.
2. Examination fee is Rs. 400/- (There is no exam fees for SC/ST/PH and Women candidates)
(Total Rs.500/- for general and OBC candidates and for SC/ST Rs.100/-)
Online Application Form Procedure Gujarat POSTAL CIRCLE Postman:
The candidates have to apply through the official portal of Gujarat Postal Circle Offline mode applications will not be entertained. Must have complete the all the fields and upload the photo and signature and then submit the application. After submission e challana for paying fee will be generated. The candidates have to pay the fee in post offices which are having e payment facility and submit the application before 14-04-2016.
Exam Pattern and Syllabus for Gujarat Postal Circle Postman Examination 2016:
Written test will be conducted in the form of objective type multiple choice questions for the 100 marks with 2 hours duration.
Subjects for written test are
1. General Knowledge-25 Marks
2. Maths-25 Marks
3. English-25 Marks
4. Tamil-25 Marks
Exam Syllabus for Gujarat Postal Circle Postman and Mail Guard Recruitment 2016:
Postman & Mail Guard General Knowledge Exam Syllabus:
Topics : Geography, Indian History, Freedom Struggle & Sports General politics & Constitution of India Economics, General Science, Current Affairs and Reasoning & analytical ability of 10thstandard
Postman & Mail Guard Mathematics Exam Syllabus:
Topics:– Number systems, computation of whole numbers, Decimals & fractions, Relationship between numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Profit & loss, Simple interest, Average, Discount, Partnership, Time & work, Time & Distance, Use of Tables & Graphs, Mensuration.
Postman & Mail Guard English Exam Syllabus:
Topics: – Articles, Prepositions, conjunctions, tenses, verbs, synonyms and antonyms, vocabulary, sentence structure, Proverbs, Phrases, Questions from a small unseen passage etc
Postman & Mail Guard Gujarati Exam Syllabus:
Topic:- શબ્દ–પદ, ક્રિયાભેદ, મિશ્ર અનેસયં ક્ુત વાક્ય, વાક્યોનંુરૂપાતં રણ, સ્વર–સંમિ, અલંકાર, સિાસ, મહુાવારા અનેલોકોક્ક્ત, અશદ્ધુ વાક્ય શોિન, અપક્રિત ગદ્ાંશ
Postman India post Government Jobs in GUJARAT POSTAL CIRCLE:
Click here to apply online for the recruitment of the Gujarat Postal Department Postman and RMS Mail Guard Recruitment 2016.
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