ESIC AP Upper Division Clerk, MTS, Stenographer Recruitment 2022: ESIC AP Vijayawada Region has released a new online notification for the available vacancies in ESIC Hospitals of Andhra Pradesh. Total 35 Upper Division Clerk, MTS, Stenographer vacancies are in this ESIC AP Recruitment 2022. Eligible candidates apply online for this ESIC AP Upper Division Clerk Vacancy. Last date to submit the application form online is 15-02-2022. Online link is active from 15-01-2022. Official website to apply online is The ESIC AP Upper Division Clerk recruitment 2022 is on based on preliminary exam and mains exam. More details like age limits, exam pattern, how to apply, pay scale, application fee, and other details are given below for this ESIC AP Upper Division Clerk, MTS, Steno recruitment 2022.
Online form available from 15-01-2022
Last date to apply is online 15-02-2022
There are total 35 vacancies are in this AP ESIC Recruitment 2022.
Upper Division Clerk-07 (UR-03, OBC-3, EWS-01)
MTS-26 (UR-10, SC-04, ST-02, OBC-7, EWS-03)
Stenographer-02 UR
Age limits cut off date is 15-02-2022.
For UDC, Steno jobs age limits are 18-27 years and for MTS 18-25 years
Upper Division Clerk jobs-Degree with computer knowledge
For MTS-10th pass
For Stenographer-12th pass with Stenography knowledge
Based on prelims exam and mains exam candidates will be selected for this Upper Division Clerk, Stenographer and MTS Jobs.
Candidates selection for this ESIC Recruitment 2022 is based on prelims exam and mains exam.
Preliminary Exam-200 Marks
Exam duration is one hour.
Mains Exam-200 marks
Mains exam duration is 2 hours.
For MTS-Rs.18000-56900/-
For Stenographers, Upper Division Clerk-Rs.25500-81100/-
Eligible candidates who are looking for jobs in ESIC hospitals of AP, they can apply along with all required documents on or before 15-02-2022. Official website to apply online is
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