DHS Erode Medical Officer Jobs Recruitment 2021: Applications in a prescribed are invited from the eligible candidates for the available Medical Officers jobs in newly formed Amma Mini Clinics and Wellness Centers in Erode District under District Health Society. This DHS Erode Vacancies are purely on contract basis. Total 52 Medical Officer vacancies in this DHS Erode MO Recruitment 2021. Eligible candidates submit the application form to DHS Erode by direct or through speed post or through email on or before 11-02-2021 by 5 PM along with all required documents. Candidates must have registered with TN Medical Council. More details of this DHS Erode Medial Officer vacancies recruitment is given below.
Last date to submission of application form is 11-02-2021.
Email Id: ddhsredminiclinic@gmail.com
There are total 52 posts are in this DHS Erode District Medical Officer Recruitment 2021.
Medical Officer-52 Posts
Age limits are applicable as per the DHS norms.
Candidates must have qualified MBBS and should have registered with TNMC.
Salary for Medical Officer is as per the DHS norms Rs.6000/-
Medical Officer posts selection is through merit in qualification and experience, certificates verification.
If you are looking for the MO Jobs in Erode District Mini Clinics and Wellness Centers, then you can submit the application form by directly or speed post or through email to DHS Erode on or before the last date of 11-02-2021.
Download Notification here
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