DHFWS Murshidabad Staff Nurse, Medical officer Recruitment 2020: Murshidabad District Health and Family Welfare Samity DHFWS released new notification for the available Staff Nurse, Medical officer, ANM and OST Doctor jobs. Eligible candidates attend the walk in interview for this DHFWS Murshidabad jobs. There are total 46 vacancies in this DHFWS Murshidabad Staff Nurse Recruitment 2020. DHFWS Murshidabad Recruitment walk in interview will be conducted on 10-12-2020 from 11 AM to 02 PM CMOH Office Berhampore Murshidabad. Selection for this Staff Nurse, Medical officer jobs recruitment is on basis of merit in qualification, reservation, documents verification. More information related to this DHFWS Murshidabad Staff Nurse Medical officer Recruitment age limit, category wise vacancies, and other info is given below.
Walk in interview date is 10-12-2020 at 11 AM to 02 PM
Venue: CMOH Office, Berhampore, Murshidabad.
Total 46 Staff Nurse, ANM, Medical officer Jobs in this Murshidabad DHFWS Recruitment 2020 Notification.
Staff Nurse-15 Posts (SC-5, ST-02, OBC A-2, OBC B-2, UR-04)
Medical officer-29 Posts (NRHM-21 & NUHM-08)
ANM Nurse-01
OST Doctor-01
For Medical Officer upper age limit is 65 years.
For Staff Nurse, ANM Jobs upper age limit is 64 years.
For Staff Nurse-GNM diploma with West Bengal Nursing Council.
For Medical Officer-MBBS with West Bengal Medical Council Registration.
For ANM-ANM Diploma
For OST Doctor-MBBS with MD Psychiatry
Candidates will be selected on basis of merit in qualification, previous work experience and certificates verification/ interview.
Eligible candidates attend the walk interview for this DHFWS Murshidabad jobs on 10-12-2020 at CMOH Officer Berhampore, Murshidabad along with all required documents.
Download Application form and Notification here
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