AP Sachivalayam Exam key 2020: From 20-09-2020 onwards AP Panchayat raj department is conducting the examinations for the AP Ward/Grama Sachivalayam. Lakhs of candidates are appearing for these exams. Daily exams are conducting in two shifts. Official Answer keys for the ap sachivalayam exam will be released on 27-09-2020 (tentative). For candidates convenience we are updating the various exams answer key. These exam keys are prepared by experts only. You can compare your answers with these keys.
You can check official answer keys on gramasachivalayam.gov.in website after 26-09-2020. Along with question papers answer keys are updated for the posts of Panchayat Secretary, Digital Assistant, VRO Village surveyor,Engineering assistant, Ward Education and Data Processing Secretary, Ward welfare and Regulation Secretary, ANM, VAA, VHA, VSA,AHA and other posts.
Link for answer keys is given here-Check now
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