Amravati: The results of the joint entrance examination ‘ap eapcet’ conducted for admission to engineering, agriculture and pharmacy courses have been released in Vijayawada r&b office this morning. The results of agriculture and pharmacy courses is revealed on 26th of this month. speaking on the release of the results, the minister said that 89.12 per cent pass in engineering department has been passed. Agriculture stream pass percentage is 95.05%. 301172 candidate are applied for this AP EAPCET 2022. 282496 candidates are appeared for this AP EAMCET Exam 2022. Boya Haren Satrivl has got the first rank, Polu Lakshmi Sai Lohit Reddy of got the second rank. The minister released results for all the streams at a time this year.
Initially, engineering (mpc stream) and then agricultural and pharmacy admissions will be conducted. 1,94,752 people applied for the mpc stream and for Agriculture, Pharmacy 97744 candidate are applied. EAPCET was formerly known as the EAPCET was previously known as the EAMCET was removed as a national special examination (NEET) was conducted for admission to medical education. Pharmacy admissions were replaced by ‘p’ as they were being conducted through this entrance examination and converted into EAPCET.
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