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Anna University Recruitment 2016:

Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu has been invited applications for the posts of Office Assistant and Junior Assistant. There are total 45 vacancies for junior assistant and 75 vacancies for Office assistant available. This is the biggest recruitment in Anna University for Assistants. Candidates have to download the application form from the official website of Anna University

After downloading candidates has to fill the required data and send to the registrar before 05:00 pm of 29-01-2016. Details regarding educational qualification, selection procedure and fee to apply for Anna University Office Assistant and Junior Assistant details are given below.

Anna University Assistant’s Recruitment 2016:

Available vacancies in Anna University Junior and Office Assistant’s Recruitment 2016:

Name of the post: Junior Assistant

Vacancies available 45
Name of the post: Office Assistant
Vacancies available 75

Application Fees for Office and Junior Assistant Recruitment:

For the candidates of SC/ST exam fees is Rs. 500/- and for the other exam fees is Rs.750/-.
The Demand draft has to be taken before 29-01-2016 in the favor of Registrar, Anna University, Chennai.

Educational Qualifications:

For the post of Junior Assistant the candidate must have qualified degree in the (10+3+2 or 10+2+3) Pattern. The candidate must have a certificate in English Lower Grade typing. Also have a certificate in word processing and also knowledge in basic computer concepts.
For the post of Office Assistant VIII class passed candidate is enough, and he/she must ride the bi-cycle, if they having a valid motor vehicle license it also preferred.

Pay Scale for Anna University Assistants Recruitment:

Junior Assistant pay scale starts from 5200 to 20200/- with the grade pay of 2400/-
Office Assistant Pay scale from 4800 to 10000/- with the grade pay of Rs.1300/-
The pay is including HRA, DA, CCA and medical allowances.

Age Limits for Anna University Junior Assistant Recruitment 2016:

Junior assistant upper age limit is 30 years.
For the candidates of MBC/BC 2 years relaxation
For the candidates of SC/ST 5 Years relaxation and for the candidates of PWD 10 years of age relaxation is given.

Age Limits for Anna University Office Assistant Recruitment 2016:

Office assistant, the maximum age limit is 35 years.
For the candidates of MBC/BC 40 years.
For the candidates of SC/ST/PWD 45 Years.

Selection Process for Junior Assistant and Office Assistant of Anna University Recruitment:

For the post of Junior assistant candidate has to undergo a written test and interview.
For office assistant post interview or cycling test will be there.
The candidate has to download the application from the official website of Anna University and completed application along with the DD to be sent to the address of Registrar, Anna University, Chennai, 600025 before 05:00P.M. of 29-01-2016.

This is all about the recruitment of Anna University Junior Assistant and Office Assistant posts. Please share this article to your beloved friends through social web. Please feel free to contact us or write a comment below. 

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