Andhra Pradesh Police Department Physical Test and Prelims Examination Pattern for Constable Recruitment 2016
AP Police Constable Recruitment 2016: Government of Andhra Pradesh, AP Police Recruitment Board has been announced recently, for the first time in Police Constable Recruitment they are going
to introduce the new pattern of examination. That is Prelims and Mains. At first Prelims examination will be conducted and next physical tests will be conducted. Those who are qualified the Prelims examination and Physical tests they are only eligible for the Mains Examination. Applications will be received trough online only and examinations will be conducted 16 centers. Running will be calculated with RFID Tags. For more information regarding AP Police Constable Recruitment Selection Process, Exam Pattern see below details.
AP Police Prelims, Mains Exam Pattern and Physical Test details for Constable Recruitment 2016:
Major Changes in AP Police Constable Recruitment 2016:
à5 Km running has been removed. Previously 5 km running is a major problem for all the candidates those who don’t like to wake up early and doing practice. So 50% of us feels happy for this major change. And for this change applications also getting increased in upcoming recruitment of Andhra Pradesh Police Constable. So be ready to push yourself for clearing the written test.
àThis times female candidates also showing their appearance in different departments of Police Constable vacancies. In Civil Constable posts 33.3% and in Armed Reserve Category 20% of posts are strictly reserved for women candidates. If women candidates applications are very less comparing with vacancies then those posts will be filled by Male candidates.
Selection Process for Andhra Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment 2016:
Selection for AP Police Constable Recruitment will be held in three stages.
1. Prelims Examination
2. Physical Standards Test
3. Mains Examination
AP Police Constable Prelims Examination Pattern:
For Constable posts prelims examination will be conducted for 200 marks only.
Exam will be conducted in objective type multiple choice questions.
Topics to be covered in Prelims Exam:
1. Mathematics
2. Reasoning
3. General Studies
Qualifying marks for OC candidates is 40%, BC candidates 35% and for SC/ST candidates 30%.
Physical Test details for AP Police Constable Jobs:
Those who are qualified in prelims they are only eligible for the Physical Tests.
In previous recruitments 100 meters running, 5km, 800 meters running, High Jump, Long Jump and Shotput conducted.
From the next recruitment there is no 5km, 800 meters running, Shotput and High Jump.
In upcoming recruitment physical tests details are
1. 1600 Meters Running
2. 100 Meters Running
3. Long Jump
Running will be conducted in Play Grounds only. On road running is not conducting at last.
And one more important one candidates running time will be calculated through RFID Technology tag system for each candidate. RFID system automatically counts the candidates running time.
Mains Examination Pattern for Constable Recruitment of AP Police:
In mains examination 2 papers will be conducted.
Paper 1 Consists of 100 marks with 100 questions
Paper 2 Consists of 100 marks with 100 questions.
Topics for this Mains examination will be announced soon.
Those who are clear the Mains examination they are called for the Medical tests and final verification.
How to Apply for AP Police Constable Recruitment 2016:
From upcoming recruitment applications will be received through online only. And also admit card, examination keys also will be available in online only.
At the time of applying online must provide regularly using mobile number and maid id. Because AP Police Recruitment Board will communicate with you through mobile or mail id only.
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