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Andaman Nicobar ANIIMS Lab Technician, Multi Tasking Staff, DEO Govt Jobs Recruitment 2017

65 Lab Attendant, MTS, DEO, Lab Technician Jobs in ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 

ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 for MTS, DEO: Application forms in prescribed format are invited by Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences (ANIIMS) from eligible candidates to fill up the 65 Vacancies of Lab Technician, Lab Assistant, Lab Attendant,

OT Technician, OT Assistant, Endoscopy Technician, ECG Technician, Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Social Worker, Social Worker, Speech Therapist, Audiometric Technician, Dental Technician, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, DEO, MTS etc Jobs on contract basis only. Application mode is Offline and Closing date for receipt of Application forms is 01st March, 2017 by 04.00 PM. Selection Process for MTS, DEO Jobs will be based on 10th pass marks, aptitude/ skill test marks. All details of Andaman Nicobar MTS, Lab Technician, DEO, Lab Attendant Govt Jobs ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 mentioned below.

ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 for 65 MTS, Lab Technician, DEO, Lab Attendant Govt Jobs

Important Dates for Lab Technician, MTS, Lab Attendant, DEO Jobs:

1. Closing date for receipt of Application forms for DEO, MTS etc Jobs is 01st March, 2017 by 04.00 PM.
2. Tentative ANIIMS Skill test date will be updated soon.

Available Vacancies:

As per ANIIMS Recruitment 2017, total Available Lab Technician, DEO, MTS, Lab Attendant etc Vacancies are 65.
1. Lab Assistant: 04
2. Lab Technician: 04
3. Lab Attendant: 03
4. OT Assistant: 04
5. OT Technician: 04
6. Endoscopy Technician: 01
7. ECG Technician: 02
8. Clinical Psychologist: 01
9. Psychiatric Social Worker: 01
10. Speech Therapist: 01
11. Social Worker: 02
12. Audiometric Technician: 01
13. Dental Technician: 02
14. Physiotherapist: 02
15. Occupational Therapist: 01
16. Dental Hygienist: 02
17. Dietician: 01
18. Care Taker/ Matron: 02
19. Library Assistant: 01
20. Accountant: 02
21. Data Entry Operator (DEO): 06
22. Cook: 01
23. Office Assistant: 06
24. Multi Tasking Staff (MTS): 10
25. Dissection Hall Attendant: 01

Age Limit for ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 for MTS, DEO Jobs:

Age Limit for male candidates must in between 18 years to 33 years as on the Closing date of receipt of Application forms; Age Limit for female candidates must in between 18 years to 38 years for DEO, MTS and other Jobs.

Qualification for ANIIMS MTS, Lab Attendant, DEO, Lab Technician Jobs in ANIIMS Recruitment 2017:

Graduate in any stream with 1 year diploma certificate in computers is the Qualification for Data Entry Operator (DEO) Jobs; 10th pass from a recognized university for MTS Jobs; B.Sc. in medical Lab Technology for Lab Technician Jobs. 12th pass from a recognized university for Lab Attendant Jobs. To get Educational Qualification details for remaining Jobs, visit Official Notice.

Pay Scale for ANIIMS MTS, DEO, Lab Technician, Lab Attendant Govt Jobs in ANIIMS Recruitment 2017:

Pay Scale for Lab Technician Jobs is Rs.24,500/- per month. Rs.12,000/- per month for Lab Attendant Jobs; Rs.17,500/- per month for Lab Assistant Jobs; Rs.20,000/- per month for DEO Jobs; Rs.14,500/- for MTS Jobs. To get Pay Scale details for remaining Jobs, candidates please go through Official Notification.

ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 DEO, MTS Jobs Selection Process:

1. Selection Process for MTS, Dissection Hall Attendant Jobs will be based on 10th pass marks and marks scored in aptitude or skill test.
2. For Lab Attendant Jobs 10th pass marks, 12th pass marks and aptitude/ skill test marks.
3. For Clinical Psychologist, Psychiatric Social Worker, Social Worker, Speech Therapist, Audiometric Technician Jobs Selection will be based on 10th pass marks, 12th pass marks, degree marks, PG degree marks and aptitude/ skill test marks.
4. Selection Process for DEO and other Jobs will be based on 10th pass marks, 12th pass marks, degree/ diploma marks and aptitude/ skill test marks.

How to Apply for ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 MTS, DEO Jobs:

Interested and eligible candidates may send their Application forms for MTS, DEO etc Jobs in prescribed format along with self attested photo copies of relevant documents to below Address on or before 01st March, 2017 by 04.00 PM.
Office of Director,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences (ANIIMS),
DHS Annexe Building (Old RBD) Office.

ANIIMS Recruitment 2017 for 65 MTS, DEO, Lab Technician, Lab Attendant Govt Jobs

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