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AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Grade II (Nursing Officer) 140 Govt Jobs Recruitment Notification 2022-Apply Online

AIIMS Mangalagiri Recruitment Notification for Staff Nurse Grade II Jobs Online Application Form

AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Jobs: AIIMS Raipur released a new online notification for the recruitment of available Staff Nurse Grade II Vacancies in AIIMS Mangalagiri. Those who are qualified B.Sc Nursing degree or GNM Diploma with 2 years experience they are eligible to apply online for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Jobs. There are total 140 posts in this AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Grade 2 posts. Online applications only accepted for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Grade II posts. Official website to apply online is Candidates selection for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse jobs will be based on computer based written exam. Exam Pattern and syllabus, age limits, how to apply online and other details of AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Jobs recruitment 2022 is given below.

AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Grade II (Nursing Officer) Government Jobs Recruitment Exam 2022:

à°Žà°¯ిà°®్à°¸్ à°®ంగళగిà°°ిà°²ో à°¸్à°Ÿాà°«్ నర్à°¸్ à°—్à°°ేà°¡్ II à°–ాà°³ీà°² à°¨ిà°¯ామకాà°¨ిà°•ి à°Žà°¯ిà°®్à°¸్ à°’à°• à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ ఆన్à°²ైà°¨్ à°¨ోà°Ÿిà°«ిà°•ేà°·à°¨్à°¨ు à°µిà°¡ుదల à°šేà°¸ింà°¦ి. B.Sc నర్à°¸ింà°—్ à°¡ిà°—్à°°ీ à°²ేà°¦ా GNM à°¡ిà°ª్à°²ొà°®ాà°¤ో 2 à°¸ంవత్సరాà°² నర్à°¸ింà°—్  à°…à°¨ుà°­à°µం ఉన్నవాà°°ు à°…à°°్à°¹ుà°²ు.

AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Vacancy Details:

There are total 140 posts in this AIIMS Mangalagiri recruitment 2022.
Category wise vacancy details are mentioned below.
UR-58 Posts
OBC-36 Posts
SC-19 Posts
ST-12 Post
EWS-15 Posts

Important Dates:

Last date to apply online is 21-08-2022.
Online exam date is 11-09-2022

AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse (Nursing Officer) Qualifications:

Candidates must have qualified B.Sc Nursing or GNM Diploma with 2 years experience in 40 bed hospital.
Must have computer knowledge to apply for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Jobs.

Pay Scale for AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Jobs:

Level 7 pay scale is applicable Rs.9300-34800/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-

Age limits for AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Recruitment:

Candidates age limits are 21-30 years for these Nursing Officer jobs.
Age relaxations are for SC/ST 5 years, OBC 3 years, PH 10 years, PH + OBC 13 years and for PH + SC/ST 15 years.

Application fee for AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Vacancy:

1. For General/OBC Candidates : Rs.3000/-
2. For EWS/SC/ST candidates: Rs.2400/-

AIIMS Mangalagiri Staff Nurse Selection Process:

Candidates selection will be based on computer based test for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer vacancy.
Written exam qualified candidates will be called for Skill Test.

Written Exam Pattern and Syllabus for AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Recruitment 2022:

Written exam will be online mode only. Total 100 questions will be given and each question carries one mark.
Exam Pattern:
1. Nursing Subject: 180 Questions-180 Marks
2. General Knowledge: 10 Questions-10 Marks
3. General Awareness: 10 Questions-10 Marks
Exam Syllabus for Nursing Subject will be B.Sc Nursing academic syllabus.

How to apply online for this AIIMS Mangalagiri Nursing Officer Recruitment 2022:

Apply online for this Nursing officer jobs through official website of Last date to apply online for this AIIMS Mangalagiri recruitment is 21-08-2022.

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