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UP Firozabad North Central Railway College Tundla PGT TGT PRT Teachers Recruitment Notification 2017

NCR, Allahabad Recruitment of PGT, TGT, PRT Teachers Government Jobs Walk in Interview/ Last date: 26-09-2017

NCR PGT, TGT, PRT Jobs Recruitment Walk in Interview 2017: North Central Railway College, Allahabad is going to conduct Walk in Interviews for eligible candidates to engage Part Time Teachers Jobs on contractual basis. Available vacancies in NCR recruitment are 29 posts, out of 08 posts for Lecturer (PGT), 10 posts for Assistant Teacher (TGT),
11 posts for Primary Teacher. Candidates with desirable qualities will be required to download the application form for respective posts using the NCR official website. Candidates with Bachelor’s/ Master’s Degree in concerned subjects also have B.Ed or equivalent qualification are eligible for these vacancies. Applicants must have teaching proficiency in Hindi and English medium. North Central Railway Recruitment Selection is based on Interview. Eligible candidates list to attend Interview will be places on NCR college Notice board. Interview date for NCR PGT Jobs is on 25-10-2017. Interview Date for NCR TGT Jobs is on 26-10-2017 and for PRT Jobs is 27-10-2017. Last date for submission of application forms in prescribed format is 26-09-2017. Job Seekers should have age limit between 18 years to 65 years. More details of North Central Railway NCR Allahabad Recruitment Lecturer (PGT), Assistant Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT) Jobs recruitment information are given below.

Eligibility Criteria for Lecturer (PGT), Assistant Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT) Govt Jobs in NCR Allahabad Recruitment 2017:

NCR PGT, TGT, PRT Jobs Recruitment Important Dates 2017:

NCR application submission last date: 26-09-2017
Interview for PGT: 25-10-2017 at 8.00 AM
Interview for TGT: 26-10-2017 at 8.00 AM
Interview date for PRT: 27-10-2017 at 8.00 AM

Available Vacancies of Lecturer (PGT), Assistant Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT) in NCR Allahabad Recruitment Notification 2017:

Total available vacancies in NCR Allahabad Recruitment are 29 posts.
1. Lecturer (PGT): 08 posts.
2. Assistant Teacher (TGT): 10 posts.
3. Primary Teacher (PRT): 11 posts.
Subject wise vacancies are given in Notification.
Organization: North Central Railway (NCR).
Location: Uttar Pradesh

Age criteria for NCR PGT, TGT, PRT Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Age limit for NCR Vacancies is 18 years to 65 years as per KVS rules.

Educational Qualification for North Central Railway Recruitment Vacancies 2017:

PGT: 2 years Integrated Post graduate Course or Master’s Degree in concerned subjects with minimum 50% marks from recognized University. B.Ed or equivalent qualification is required.
TGT: 4 years Integrated degree course or Bachelor’s degree in concerned subjects with 50% marks in aggregate from recognized University. B.Ed or equivalent qualification is required.
PRT: Senior Secondary School qualification with 50% marks or Intermediate with 50% aggregate marks or equivalent qualification plus D.Ed/ B.Ed/ B.El.Ed or equivalent Diploma degree from any recognized University.
Candidates must be Proficient in teaching in Hindi & English Medium.
Check the NCR Notification for more qualification information.                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Pay Scale for NCR TGT, PGT, PRT Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Pay scale for PGT Lecturer posts is Rs. 27,500/-
For Assistant Teacher (TGT) Jobs is Rs. 26,250/-
For Primary Teacher (PRT) Jobs is Rs. 21,250/-

North Central Railways NCR Allahabad Recruitment Selection process 2017:

Candidate selection is based on Interview.
Eligible candidates list will be displayed on College Notice Board on 23-October-2017 held at Principal’s Chamber, NCR College, Tundla.
-Interview date for PGT Jobs is on 25-10-2017 at 08.00 AM
-Interview date for TGT Jobs is on 26-10-2017 at 08.00 AM
-Interview date for PRT Jobs is on 27-10-2017 at 08.00 AM

How to Apply for NCR Lecturer (PGT), Assistant Teacher (TGT), Primary Teacher (PRT) Jobs Recruitment Notification 2017:

Candidates who are desirous for these PGT, TGT, PRT Jobs can download the application form from NCR official website. Before applying candidates should check the essential qualifications from the notification published in Employment newspaper. Applicant must write post name on the top of registered envelop.
Last date for submission of application form is 26-09-2017
Principal. North Central Railway College,
Tundla District Firozabad, UP Pin- 283204.

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