NHM CMHO Bilaspur ANM, Pharmacist, Ward Boy/Ayah Jobs Recruitment 2022: Bilaspur District office of the CMHO invites applications in a prescribed format for the available vacancies in Bilaspur district government hospitals running under Health and Family Welfare Department. Available vacancies are Pharmacist Grade 2, Dresser Grade 2, Dresser Grade 1, ANM Rural Health Coordinator, Peon, Ward Boy, Ward Ayah, Sweeper, Watchman, OPD Attendant, Cook in this CMHO Bilaspur recruitment 2022. There are total 243 vacancies in this CMHO Bilaspur recruitment. Selection for this NHM Bilaspur CMHO jobs will be on basis of merit in qualification and previous experience. Last date to submit the application form along with all required documents tone for CMHO Bilaspur District Recruitment is 10-04-2022. More details about this Bilaspur CMHO NHM ANM, Pharmacist, Peon vacancies recruitment is given below.
Last date to apply for CMHO Bilaspur is 10-04-2022
Online application correction dates 11-4-2022 to 13-04-2022
Merit list available date 18-04-2022
There are total 243 vacancies in this CMHO Bilaspur Recruitment 2022.
Pharmacist Grade 2-15
Dresser Grade 2-3
Dresser Grade 1-23
Rural Health Coordinator (Male)-60
Rural Health Coordinator ( Female)-26
Ward Boy-30
Ward Ayah-41
OPD Attendant-7
For the all the posts age limits as on 01-01-2022 is 18-40 Years.
For reserved candidates 18-45 years.
Medical Officer-Rs.58100/-
Ayush Medical Officer-Rs.25000/-
Lab Technician-Rs.14000/-
For ANM/RHC-Rs.22400-71200/-
For Class-III Posts-Rs.19500-62000/-
Class IV/ Peon/Cleaner/Sweeper -Rs.15600-49400/-
For General-Rs.350/-
For OBC-Rs.250/-
For SC/ST/PH Rs.200/-
Selection for this CMHO Bilaspur vacancies is on basis of merit in qualification, interview and experience.
Shortlist will be available on 18-04-2022.
Candidates can submit the application form online at official website of Bilaspur @ https://jssbsurguja.cgstate.gov.in/ on or before the closing date of 10-04-2022.
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