HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam Admit card 2021: HPSSC has been released admit card for the exam of Junior Draughtsman exam 2021. Junior Draughtsman Post code is 838. HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam date is 25-07-2021 morning session 10 AM To 12 PM. Total 90 vacancies are in this HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Recruitment 2021. Total 2442 candidates are provisionally eligible to attend the HPSSC Junior Draughtsman Exam. Admit card for the HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam will be available to download at https://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/AdminCarddownlaod.aspx. HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Exam will be conducted for 85 marks. Total 170 questions will be given. Out of 170 questions, 120 questions will be asked from Draughtsman subject and 50 questions from General Studies. HPSSSB Junior Draughtsman Previous Question papers, Exam date, Jr Draughtsman admit card link details are given below.
Those who are admitted provisionally for Junior Draughtsman posts they can download the admit card at https://hpsssb.hp.gov.in/ website. Mode of exam is OMR based. To download admit card candidates must have aadhar number or application ID.
Junior Draughtsman Exam date is 25-07-2021
HP Junior Draughtsman exam will be conducted for 85 marks.
Total 170 MCQ’s will be given.
120 Questions will be given from the GNM Diploma Course
50 Questions from the General Topics.
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