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Haryana Civil Service HPSC Civil Judge Recruitment 2021 Exam Notification for 256 Govt Jobs Vacancy Exam Pattern

HPSC Govt Jobs Vacancy for Civil Judge Recruitment 2021 Online Application-Exam pattern

HPSC Civil Judge Recruitment 2021: HPSC Haryana Public Service Commission has released notification to recruit candidates for filling Civil Judge (Junior Division) vacancies in the Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch). There are total 256 Civil Judge vacancies available in HPSC Recruitment 2021. Online applications link is active on 15-01-2021 and last date is 15-09-2021 for this HPSC Civil Judge Vacancy. Candidates must have degree of Bachelor of Laws qualification to apply for this recruitment. Application forms for this HPSC vacancies available at Selection for this Civil Judge jobs will be on basis of Preliminary Examination, Main written Examination and Viva-voce. Age limits, Pay Scale, written examination Syllabus details of this HPSC Civil Judge (Junior Division) Vacancy recruitment 2021 are updated below.

Govt jobs vacancy Recruitment Notification for HPSC Civil Judge Posts Online Application-Exam Pattern

HPSC Civil Judge Vacancy Important Dates:

Applications starts from15-01-2021
Online forms closing date15-09-2021
Application fee last date15-09-2021 upto 11.55 PM
Official website
No of Posts 256

Available Civil Judge Govt Jobs vacancies in HPSC Recruitment 2021

There are total 256 vacancies available in HPSC Recruitment under Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch).

Vacancy details:

Post Name: Civil Judge (Junior Division): 256 posts.

Actual posts15640211111239 (ESM-13, ESP-07, PwD-10)
Anticipated posts1004010217 (ESM general-01)

Qualifications for HPSC Civil Judge Vacancy:

Candidates must hold Bachelor degree of Laws from a University recognized by the Bar Council of India.

Age limits for HPSC Civil Judge Jobs:

As on 15-02-2021 candidate age should be 21 years to 42 years.

Pay Scale for HPSC Civil Judge Job Vacancy:

Pay Scale for Civil Judge posts is 27700-770-33090-920-40450-1080-44770.

HPSC Selection Process for Civil Judge Jobs:

Selection for this HPSC Civil Judge Posts will be held based on following stages:

  1. Preliminary Examination

2.Main written Examination

  1. Viva-voce

HPSC Preliminary Examination Syllabus/ Pattern:

Preliminary Examination consists of Objective type Multiple Choice questions

Time duration is 2 hrs.

Total no of questions 125, each one carry 04 marks. For each wrong answer 1/5th marks shall be deducted.

HPSC Recruitment Main Examination Syllabus/ Pattern:



Civil Law-l

Code of Civil procedure. Punjab Courts Act,


Indian partnership Act, Indian Contract Act,

Specific Relief Act, Sale of Goods Act, &

Indian Evidence Act, Haryana Urban (Control

of Rent & Eviction) Act. I 973.

200 Marks


Civil Law-ll

Hindu Law. Mohammadan Law & Customary


Law. law of Registration and Limitation.

200 Marks


Criminal Law

Indian Penal Code. Criminal Procedure Code & Indian Evidence Act.200 Marks






English paper consist of the following parts:-


a. English Essay (1000-1100 words)

b. Precis

c. Words & Phrases (Make sentences of the given words and Phrases)

d. Comprehension

e. Corrections

Total 200 marks


100 Marks

25 Marks

25 Marks


25 Marks

25 Marks




Hindi (in Devnagri Script)100 Marks



 200 marks

For more details visit HPSC official notification.

Application Fee for HPSC Recruitment Civil Judge Vacancy:

Application fee for all Male general candidates is Rs. 1000/-

Female General candidates and SC/BC-A/BC-B, ESM male & female category is Rs. 250/-

No application fee for Physically Handicapped candidates (at least 40% disability).

Apply Online here for HPSC Civil Judge Vacancy Recruitment 2021:

Interested candidates must have to visit Official website to apply online for HPSC Civil Judge Recruitment 2021. Online application link actives from 15-January 2021 till 15-February-2021.

Apply Online here

Download Notification here


Corrigendum-Date Extended to 15-09-2021

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