Thoothukudi District Court Recruitment of Office Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist Jobs Notification/ Last Date: 20-09-2017
Thoothukudi Dist Court Junior Assistant, Office Assistant Jobs Recruitment 2017: Tamil Nadu Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Principal District Court, Thoothukudi has been inviting applications from qualified and eligible candidates for Masalchi/ Night Watchman, Junior Assistant, Office Assistant, Xerox Operator, Junior bailiff, Senior Bailiff, Reader/ Examiner, Computer Operator, Typist, Steno Typist Jobs. Application forms in prescribed format are available from the official website Send the duly filled application with a set of self attested documents to the address mentioned in the notification through post on or before 20-09-2017. Applicants should write the post name to which they applied on envelop. Candidates will be shortlisted for Interview after the certification verification process. Based on Interview score candidates will be selected for respective post. Candidate should have minimum age of 18 years and maximum age of 30 years for general category. Age Relaxations admissible as per Gove rules. Full details related to Age limits, Pay Scale, Application filling Instructions, Application procedure, Selection process, Interview Venue, Qualifications for post wise and other updates regarding Thoothukudi District court Recruitment Office Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist, Masalchi Jobs, see the below given information.
Detailed Description regarding Office Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist Jobs in Thoothukudi District Court Recruitment 2017
District Court, Thoothukudi Office Assistant, Junior Assistant Jobs Recruitment Important dates 2017
Last date to send Application through post: 20-09-2017 by 5.45 PM.
Available Office Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist Vacancies in Thoothukudi District Court Recruitment Notification 2017:
Total no of vacancies available in Thoothukudi district Court Recruitment are 148 posts.
Total No of Posts: 148.
Principal District Court, Thoothukudi vacancies:
1. Masalchi/ Night Watchman: 07 posts.
2. Office Assistant: 16 posts.
3. Xerox Operator: 10 posts.
4. Junior bailiff: 16 posts.
5. Reader/ Examiner: 05 posts.
6. Senior Bailiff: 05 posts.
On Temporary Basis:
7. Junior Assistant: 17 posts.
8. Typist: 19 posts.
9. Computer Operator: 09 posts.
10. Steno Typist: 11 posts.
CJMC Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Thoothukudi Vacancies:
1. Masalchi/ Night Watchman: 08 posts
2. Office Assistant: 25 posts.
Essential Qualifications for District Court, Thoothukudi Office Assistant Vacancies 2017:
Masalchi/ Night Watchman: able to read and write Tamil
Office Assistant: 8th class pass from recognized Board.
Typist: SSLC Examination pass with Type writing Senior/Lower grade certification in Tamil or English.
Junior Assistant: SSLC (Secondary School Leaving certificate) examination pass.
For other qualifications, please see the official notification of PDC Thoothukudi.
Age Limit for Junior Assistant Jobs in District Court, Thoothukudi Recruitment 2017:
Minimum age limit is 18 years and Maximum age is 30 years, for BC/ Denotified Communities is 32 years and for ST/ SC/ SC (Arunthathiyars)/ Destitute widows of all castes is 35 years.
Pay Scale for Thoothukudi District Court Recruitment 2017:
Salary for Masalchi/ Night Watchman, Office Assistant, Xerox Operator Jobs is Rs. 4800/- to Rs. 10,000/- plus GP Rs. 1300/1650/-
Pay scale for all other vacancies is Rs. 5200/- to Rs. 20,200/- plus GP Rs. 2200/2400/2800/-
Thoothukudi District Court Recruitment Selection Process for Junior Assistant, Office Assistant Jobs:
Candidates will be shortlisted for this Thoothukudi District Court recruitment vacancies based on Documents verification and followed by Interview.
How to Apply for Thoothukudi District Court Assam Office Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist Jobs Recruitment Notification 2017:
Qualified/ eligible candidates should send the applications only through post. Applicants go through the official website for application procure details and other updates. Duly filled application with the set of self attested copies of necessary documents should be submit through post before 20-09-2017.
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