CGPSC Chhattisgarh Vacancies of Ayurveda Medical Officer Jobs Recruitment Last date: 04-11-2017
CGPSC Ayurveda AMO Jobs Recruitment Examination 2017:Chhattisgarh Public Service commissioner CGPSC has issued notification to recruit candidates for Ayurveda Medical Officer vacancies in Health and Family Welfare Department of Chhattisgarh. Candidates who are interested for these
AMO Vacancies, may go through the Chhattisgarh PSC official web link @ Applicants fulfilling all eligible criteria for CGPSC Ayurveda AMO Recruitment jobs can send the applications from 06/Oct/2017 to 04/Nov/2017 before 11.59 PM. Chhattisgarh PSC Recruitment vacancies can be filled through written examination and Interview held by CGPSC selection commission. Written Exam dates will be updated soon on the CG website. For complete details of Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission CGPSC Recruitment of Ayurveda Medical Officer Vacancies notification 2017- Qualifications, Important dates, Application filling Procedure, Pay Scale are given below.
Eligibility Criteria for Ayurveda Medical Officer Government Jobs in Chhattisgarh PSC AMO Recruitment 2017:
CGPSC Ayurveda Medical Officer Jobs Recruitment 2017 Important dates:
CGPSC online Application submission starts from: 06-10-2017.
Closing date for submission of online applications: 04-11-2017.
Available Ayurveda AMO Vacancies in Chhattisgarh CGPSC Recruitment Notification 2017:
Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission CGPSC has released total 69 Ayurveda Medical Officer vacancies.
Post Name: Ayurveda Medical Officer AMO: 69 posts.
Category wise vacancies are given below.
General-29 Posts
SC-14 Posts
ST-30 Posts
OBC-11 Posts
Pay Scale for CGPSC Medical Officer (AMO) Jobs Notification 2017:
Pay Scale for CGPSC Recruitment vacancies is Rs. 15,600/- to Rs. 39,100/- plus Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-
Required Educational Qualifications for CGPSC AMO Jobs Recruitment vacancies 2017:
Applicant should have completed Graduation in Ayurveda from a recognized University with 02 years experience.
Please check the CG notification for qualification details.
Age limits for Ayurveda Medical Officer Jobs in Chhattisgarh PSC Recruitment 2017:
For CGPSC Recruitment vacancies Minimum age limit of the candidate is 22 years and Maximum age limit is 30 years as on 01/January/2017.
10 years of Age relaxation will be given for the residence of Chhattisgarh.
CGPSC Recruitment Selection Process of Medical Officer (AMO) jobs 2017:
CGPSC Recruitment selection is based on applicants performance in Online Examination and Interview.
Applicants should carry certificates/ documents at the time of Interview.
CGPSC Written Exam/ Interview dates will be announced later.
Application fee for CGPSC vacancies of AMO Jobs Recruitment Examination 2017:
Application fee for SC/ ST/ OBC candidates of Chhattisgarh is Rs. 300/-
Application fee for all other candidates is Rs. 400/- paid through credit card/ debit card/ internet banking or challan.
How to apply online for Chhattisgarh PSC Ayurveda Medical Officer/ Doctor Jobs Recruitment Notification 2017:
Interested candidates apply through online for Chhattisgarh PSC Recruitment vacancies using the CGPSC recruitment link @ Applicants should send applications via CGPSC website through online from 06/Oct/2017 to 04/Nov/2017 before 11.59 PM.
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