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CG Vyapam MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Technical Assistant, DEO, Peon, Accountant, Program Officer 68 Govt Jobs Recruitment Exam 2018

CG Vyapam ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA Recruitment of 68 Program Officer, Technical Assistant, DEO, Peon, Accountant Jobs/ Last date: 23-02-2018

MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Recruitment Vacancies 2018: Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, Chhattisgarh has given notification for filling up Program Officer, Assistant Programmer, Technical Assistant, Accountant, Data Entry Operator, Assistant Grade- 3,
Peon vacancies under ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA. Total available vacancies in this ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA Recruitment are 68 posts. Applicants should have minimum age limit of 21 years and maximum age limit of 35 years. Candidates have to visit the official website of MGNREGA Chhattisgarh to apply for the above vacancies. Application submission through offline last date is 23-Feb-2018. For Postal Address details visit official notification. Candidate selection for ZP CG MGNREGA Recruitment jobs is based on written examination and Interview. Full details regarding MGNREGA Zila Panchayat Application process, Selection Process, Age details, Qualifications of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Recruitment vacancy are given below.

Download CG Vyapam Exam Pattern and Exam Syllabus here for Accountant Jobs

Eligible criteria for Technical Assistant, DEO, Peon, Accountant, Program Officer Govt vacancies in ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA Recruitment 2018:

MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Recruitment Important dates 2018:

MGNREGA application form submission last date: 23-Feb-2018.
MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Technical Assistant, DEO, Peon, Accountant, Program Officer Govt Jobs Recruitment Exam 2017

Available Technical Assistant, DEO, Accountant, Program Officer Jobs in ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA Recruitment Exam 2018:

Name and Number of vacancies in ZP CG MGNREGA Recruitment are given below:
Total no of vacancies are 68 posts.
Available vacancies are:
1. Program Officer
2. Assistant Programmer
3. Technical Assistant
4. Accountant
5. Data Entry Operator
6. Assistant Grade- 3
7. Peon
District wise vacancies are given in the notification.

Pay Scale for MGNREGA ZP CG Recruitment Notification:

Post Name
Pay Scale
Program Officer
Rs. 28,080/-
Assistant Programmer
Rs. 24,765/-
Technical Assistant
Rs. 23,010/-
Rs. 16,445/-
Data Entry Operator
Rs. 16,445/-
Assistant Grade- 3
Rs. 12,675/-
Rs. 10,140/-

Educational Qualifications for Program Officer, Technical Assistant Jobs in ZP CG MGNREGA Recruitment 2018:

Assistant Programmer: Must have passed Computer Science or IT in BE/ Btech/ MCA/ MCM.
Peon: 5th class pass from recognized board.
Accountant: Must have passed B.Com with 55% marks.
DEO: must have passed 10+2 with two years DEO/ Programming Diploma and 8000 key depressions in English/ Hindi.
Please go through the MGNREGA official notification for qualification related information.

Age limits for MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP DEO, Peon, Accountant Recruitment 2018:

Minimum age limit is 21 years and maximum age limit is 35 years.
Age relaxations admissible as per ZP Chhattisgarh Govt rules.

ZP Panchayat Chhattisgarh MGNREGA Recruitment Selection method 2018:

MGNREGA Chhattisgarh ZP Recruitment Jobs selection is based on applicant performance in written test and Interview held by Chhattisgarh MGNREGA.
Detailed Selection process are given in the notification.  

Application Procedure for MGNREGA ZP CG Technical Assistant, DEO, Peon, Accountant, Program Officer Recruitment 2018:

Interested/ Eligible candidates have to visit Chhattisgarh MGNREGA official website and download the application. Follow the instructions to fill the application form. Last date to submit application through post is 23-02-2018. Write the desired post name on the envelope of application form.
Chief Executive Officer,
District Panchayat,
Your District Name

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