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Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Cadre Sports Quota Jobs Recruitment Notification 2017

Canara Bank Clerical Cadre/ Officer Cadre Jobs Recruitment Exam Notification 2017

Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Jobs Vacancy 2017: Canara Bank, Bangalore has given employment notification to recruit Indian Sports Persons of various disciplines for Clerical Cadre and Officer Cadre in JMG Scale- I Jobs.  There are total 20 vacanciesavailable in this

Canara bank Clerk/Officer Jobs recruitment. Applications in prescribed format will be available in the Bank’s Official Website Selection of Canara Bank Clerk, Officer Cadre Jobs Recruitment will be based on sports man on- field performance. For more details regarding Age, Qualifications, Available vacancies, Pay scale and other details of Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Jobs Vacancy 2017 recruitment exam 2017 are given below.

Government Jobs of Canara Bank Clerk, Officer Cadre Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Canara Bank Clerk Jobs Recruitment 2017 Important dates:

Last date to receive application forms: 10- March- 2017 before 06.00 PM.

Available vacancies of Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Jobs Vacancy 2017:

There are total 20 posts are going to fill through this Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Recruitment 2017.
No of vacancies in different disciplines are given below:
1. Athletics: 04 posts.
2. Cricket: 05 (Male) posts.
3. Hockey: 07 (Male) posts.
4. Shuttle Badminton: 02 posts (Male- 01, Female- 01).
5. Table Tennis: 02 posts (Male- 01, Female- 01).
Posting will be given to the selected candidates only in Bangalore.

Pay Scale Canara Bank Clerk Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Pay scale for Clerical Cadre posts: Starting Basic pay of Rs. 13,075/- per month.
Officer Cadre in JMG Scale- I: Starting Basic pay of Rs. 23,700/- per month.

Required Qualifications for Canara Bank Officer Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Clerical Cadreposts: Candidate must have passed 12th Standard or its equivalent examination and also represented state championship.
Officer Cadre posts: Candidate must have qualified Degree and should have represented the Country in an International event/ should have won “Arjuna Award”.
For more qualification details, see the official advertisement.

Age limits for Canara Bank Clerk Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Clerical Cadre: Age limit of the candidate is 18 years to 28 years as on 01st– February- 2017.
Officer Cadre: Age limit of the candidate is 20 years to 30 years as on 01st– February- 2017
Upper age relaxation for the candidate belonging to SC/ ST is 05 years and for other Back ward classes BC is 03 years.

Selection Process for Canara Bank Officer Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Candidates will be shortlisted for Canara Bank Clerk/Officer Jobs will be based on sports performance. Shortlisted candidates will be called for Interview.
Final selection would be made through the verification of applicant character, antecedents and medical fitness and also verification of genuineness of the sports certificates which they produced.
Weightage will be given to the sports achievements & younger in age will be considered.

Application Procedure for Canara Bank Clerk, Officer Cadre Jobs Recruitment 2017:

Sports persons who have eligibility criteria can apply for Clerical Cadre & Office Cadre jobs  through the bank’s official website Fill the application form in prescribed format according to the instructions given in the advertisement. Applicant must submit the filled application along with documents to the following address before closing date i.e. 10th– March- 2017 (05.00 PM).
Deputy General Manager,
Personal Management Section, Human Resource Wing, J C Road, Bangalore-560002

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