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Assam SCERT Lower Division Assistant, Assistant Teacher, Graduate Instructor Recruitment 2020 Apply Online

SCERT Assam Notification for Craft Instructor, Librarian, Lab Assistant Jobs 2020 Online Form

SCERT Assam Assistant Teacher, Graduate Instructor Jobs 2020: SCERT Assam invites new online application forms to the recruitment of Assistant Teacher, Librarian, Lower Division Assistant, Graduate Instructor, Craft Instructor, Lab Assistant, Library Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Stenographer, Manual Instructor Jobs. There are total 34 Jobs available in the Assam SCERT Recruitment. Interested candidates apply online for this SCERT Assistant Teacher, Lower Division Assistant Jobs.  SCERT Assam Graduate Instructor, Librarian jobs are available from 02-11-2020 to 22-11-2020. Candidates shortlisted based on Written Exam, and Interview for this SCERT Assistant Teacher, Craft Instructor jobs. More details like important dates, No. of vacancies, SCERT Assam Assistant Teacher qualifications, age limit, pay scale, and How to apply are given below.

Assistant Teacher, Lower Division Assistant, Librarian jobs in Assam SCERT Recruitment 2020

Organization Name:

State Council of Educational Research and Training (S.C.E.R.T.)

Important Dates for Assam SCERT Assistant Teacher, Librarian jobs 2020:

Starting date to apply: 02-11-2020

The closing date to apply: 22-11-2020

Available Vacancies in SCERT Assam Graduate Instructor Recruitment 2020:

There are total 34 jobs in SCERT Assam Recruitment

Post NamesNo Of Posts
Lower Division Assistant05 (UR-02, ST-03)
Laboratory Assistant03 (UR-01, ST-02)
Library Assistant01 (UR-01)
Statistical Assistant01 (UR-01)
Stenographer01 (UR-01)
Graduate Instructor (Arts)03 (UR-03)
Assistant Teacher (Arts)01 (OBC/MOBC-01)
Assistant Teacher (Science)02 (UR-01, ST-01)
Assistant Teacher02 (UR-01, SC-01)
Normal Instructor02 (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01)
Instructor02 (UR-01, OBC/MOBC-01)
Craft Instructor03 (UR-02, OBC/MOBC-01)
Manual Instructor01 (UR-01)
Work Experience Teacher01 (OBC/MOBC-01)
Drawing Instructor01 (UR-01)
Music Instructor01 (UR-01)
Librarian04 (UR-02, OBC/MOBC-01, ST-01)

Age limits for SCERT Assam Lower Division Assistant Jobs 2020:

Age limits cutoff date is 01-01-2020.

For general candidates, age limit is 18-40 years.

For OBC Candidates Upper age limit is 43 years.

For SC/ST upper age limit is 45 years.

Educational Qualifications for SCERT Assam Assistant Teacher, Craft Instructor Jobs:

Post NamesQualification
Lower Division Assistanti) Graduate ii) Diploma/Certificate in DTP/Type writing , and Proficiency in typing of official language will be preferred.
Laboratory AssistantB.Sc. in Physics, Chemistry or Biology passed with Proficiency in computer application.
Library AssistantGraduate.
Statistical AssistantGraduate in any stream with any one of the following subject. 1. Economics, 2. Statistics, 3. Mathematics. Knowledge in Computerized Data Entry is desirable.
Stenographeri) Graduate ii) Diploma in Shorthand writing from Industrial Training Institute in Assam by the National Council for Vocational Trade or Diploma in Stenography iii) Shorthand speed 80 wpm iv) Computer application knowledge
Graduate Instructor (Arts)B.A. with B.Ed. Degree.
Assistant Teacher (Arts)BA B.Ed
Assistant Teacher (Science)B.Sc. with major in Physics/ Chemistry and B.Ed. degree.
Assistant TeacherB.Sc. with major in Physics/ Chemistry and B.Ed. degree from any and recognized university. Preference will be given for to the candidates having M.Sc. degree for Assistant Teacher (Science). B.A. with major in English and B.Ed. degree from any recognized university. Preference will be given to the candidates having M.A in English for Assistant Teacher (Arts).
Normal InstructorDegree in any discipline Graduate in Science or Arts with B.Ed. degree
InstructorBA with B.Ed degree.
Craft InstructorDegree with Diploma/Certificate in fine Art/ Cane and Bamboo/ Cutting and Knitting I Embroidery
Manual InstructorDegree in Fine Art
Work Experience TeacherGraduate in any stream and one who completed certificate course in Art and Craft (handy craft), cutting, knitting, embroidery and tailoring. Proficiency in the use of ICT for educational purpose is desired.
Drawing InstructorDegree in Fine Art. B.Ed degree prefered
Music InstructorDegree in Music.
LibrarianDegree in Library and Information Science from, and must have knowledge in Computer application and software in the concerned field. Preference will be given to the candidate who possessed M. L. I. Sc.

Salary for Assam SCERT Assistant Teacher, Lab Assistant Jobs:

Post NamesPay Scale
Lower Division AssistantPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.6200/-
Laboratory AssistantPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.6200/-
Library AssistantPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.6200/-
Statistical AssistantPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
StenographerPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Graduate Instructor (Arts)PB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Assistant Teacher (Arts)PB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Assistant Teacher (Science)PB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Assistant TeacherPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Normal InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
Craft InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
Manual InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
Work Experience TeacherPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
Drawing InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-
Music InstructorPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.8700/-
LibrarianPB-2 Rs.14000-49000/- +GP Rs.7600/-

Selection Process for SCERT Assam Librarian, Manual Instructor Jobs:

Candidates recruit based on Written Exam or Interview.

How to Apply for Assam SCERT Graduate Teacher Recruitment:

The interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official website is for this Assam SCERT Assistant Teacher, Graduate Instructor, Lab Assistant, Librarian, and other jobs 2020. Last date to apply 22-11-2020

Official Notification
Apply Online Here

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